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DESTINATION: Esmire 4 (en route).


"Venturi, redirect our heading AWAY from these shell heads!"

"I'm doing my best over here!!"

A Massive explosion rocked the interior of the bridge as the captain frantically screamed orders over the intercom.

/][ Albion, where's that damage report!? ][\

"Weapons are down, those bastards!" The thud of irate fists slammed the munitions display of the bridges panels, shattering it into splinters.

"I didn't ask for YOUR report Griffon!" The captain hissed over their shoulder.

Another heavy impact sent a shuddering crackling groan throughout the floor of the flight deck. All four protogen froze in their command seats, wide eyed. Nearly all alarms were blaring now, which, after a full thirty seconds of impending doom finally snapped Risha back into their senses.

/][Does anyone have a read on Albion? engineering respond!][\

A thunk echoed against the bridges airlock that made everyone spin around. The door snapped open and out stumbled an aquatic looking protogen.

"Captain I..." he broke down coughing and sputtering through the dust that matted his short fur.

"Engineering is gone captain, all hands lost... kffff khhh... I... did all I ckkcould".

"No." The captain breathed under their breath. Amidst the explosions, with a solemn look they lifted their head to face their first officer; the navigator.

"Don't you say it!" Lemma started. "Don't! Nooo... please."

"Lemma, dear. I have to. You know that I need to stay with the ship so that you can escape."

"We could do this a different way I..."
"SHHH <3."

The captain tenderly hushed her and cradled her starlit visor in their paws.

"Just look at me love. Remember me like this, for when we see each other again some day".

"Remember what I told you to do. Keep them safe for me Lemma."


"No matter what, keep kukri and the others safe. Grab the recruits and head to starboard docking. Use cloaking and make it look like we're all dead, understand?"

She nodded through the tears on her visor.

All the sounds and explosions faded in and out as the two shared one last, desperate hug. Time slowed into a moment of soft purple and white fuzz. A tiny static arc leaped from one visor to the other where they brushed gently against each other. For the first in an eternity, everything was ok.

The moment they parted, everything came rushing back—the explosions, the panicking crew, and worst of all, the feeling that this might be their last moment together.

She knew, but it still hurt. Nothing about this could go right. There was no time. Lives were at stake.

Lemma barreled forward with a whimper, demanding one final desperate embrace, before the captain let her visor go and spun towards the dashboard.

/][ Attention, this is Captain Risha of the Paragon, all crew abandon post! Use STARBOARD DOCKING, all ships enable stealth, repeat ABANDON SHIP][\

Risha flipped around one last time and fired the last of their orders.

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