Part 1

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Athena: Jin kyong honey! Come here for a minute!

My mother yelled from the living room. ( if you're wondering they are living in the modern human world in disguise as are most of the gods featured in the story)

Jin Kyong: I'm coming....

I shouted back, leaving my phone on my bed going downstairs.

Jin Kyong: Yes mother...
Athena: Darling can you go get ready and wear one of your fancy dresses please.
Jin Kyong: Why?
Athena: Because we are going to an event tonight and I want us to make a good impression. You know so we can fit in.

She said with a smirk.

Jin Kyong: Oh yes mother I'll go try to find something nice.
Athena's Okay don't take too long thought the event starts at 8:00 and it 7:30!
Jin Kyong: Then I must hurry!

I said in a rushes tone while running back up stairs to get ready. I got to my room and dug through my closet to find something nice, something presentable to wear to this fancy event. Once I found something I threw on some light makeup and styled my hair. I checked the time and it was 7:50, not bad... O thought to myself before running downstairs.

( This is what she wore)



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Jin Kyong: How do I look? Athena: Oh you look beautiful! Let's go now! We are both luck this place isn't that far

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Jin Kyong: How do I look?
Athena: Oh you look beautiful! Let's go now! We are both luck this place isn't that far...

I just googled as we went to the car and told our driver the address.


When we got there we were greeted by 2 Butler's standing by the door to direct guests to the living room were the event was being held. I walked with my mother as she greeted and thanked the host and hostess for inviting us and later on another man came and greeted the host and the hostess, and when he saw my mom he rolled his eyes.

??? : Well I didn't thing I'd see you here.
Athena: Neither did I....
??? : So how have you been?
Athena: So you only care now huh!? Unbelievable!
??? : Hey I -
??? : Hey dad sorry I'm late! Those 3 idiots over there to keep too long to get ready for guys...

I looked at the person whom I assumed to be this man's son. And let me tell you he was the hottest man I had ever seen and we made eye contact. When he arrived he looked cold as ice but when he looked at me his while face softened. Is this what love at first sight is?

Athena: Come along sweetie! We don't need to be talking to this stuck up sorry excuse of a man!
???: Yeah and me and my son don't need to be with a woman who screams fake! Come on son!

He said pulling his son who never stopped looking at me. And I did the same when mother pulled me away.

Athena: Sorry about that honey... Tell you what why don't you go have some fun and meet me by the exit at... Maybee 11pm sharp. Got it?
Jin Kyong: Got it mother!

I said doing a silly salute to my mother to brighten up her mood.

Athena: Haha okay now don't forget 11pm okay?
Jin Kyong: Don't worry mom I'll be fine!
Athena: Okay now go I don't want to hold you of for to long.

She said as I made my way to the mini bar and got myself a glass of water not willing to get drunk. While I was driving my water playing some random game on my phone I felt someone tap me on my shoulder, I turn to see the boy . That man's son. I look at him and smile.

??? : Hello there, why are you sitting here all by yourself? Don't you know what a drunk man could do to you?

I laughed at his statement.

Jin Kyong: Oh you don't have to worry about that. I know how to defend myself.

I said earning a smile from him. His smile was so beautiful.

Yeonjun: Oh I'm Yeonjun! Choi Yeonjun.
Jin Kyong: Min Jin Kyong. Nice to meet you.

We started talking a I realized we had a lot in common from our favorite food to songs. Even to how overprotective our parents are. We were enjoying our time together until 3 other boys ruined the moment.

??? : HEY YEONJUN!!!
??? : Ohhh who is this hottie!?

The other one was staying quietly next to the other two.

Yeonjun: Ya CHOI BEOMGYU! Get of me!!!

He shouted. And while he was shouting at the 2 boy who hung over him I noticed how his eyes darkened.

Yeonjun: Ya Taehyun help me get Soobin and Beomgyu of me! PLEASE.
Taehyun:( sighs ) Guys I got chocolate!
Soobin: Chocolate!?
Beomgyu: Where!??
Taehyun: Right here!

He said pulling out 2 small bars of chocolate from his pockets. But as they were about to grab them he said

Taehyun: I'll give them to you only if you stop hanging over Yeonjun deal?

The 2 nodded eagerly.

Taehyun: Here.
Soobin and Beomgyu: Thank you Taehyun!
Jin Kyong: Are they drunk?

I whispered and asked Yeonjun.

Yeonjun: Nope they are like that everyday....
Jin Kyong: Must be tough.
Yeonjun: Nahh give them chocolate or cookies and they will be gone in a minutes.
Jin Kyong: Sounds like heuining Kai...
Yeonjun: Who's that?
Jin Kyong: Oh he's one of my friends. Sadly he didn't come here so you won't be able to meet him...
Yeonjun : I'm sure there will be other opportunities...
Jin Kyong: Yeah...

I said looking down at my wrist watch and it read 10:45

Jin Kyong: Gosh I got to got or my mother will kill me!

I said and was about to run when Yeonjun shouted.

Yeonjun: Wait!... can I have your number...
Jin Kyong: Sure!

He smiled and handed his phone to me and I typed in my number.

Jin Kyong: There! Bye now!
Yeonjun: Thank you! I'll text you later byee!!!

I said and ran to the exit where my mother was waiting for me.

Athena: And that's 11 on the dot. Good job sweetie.

She said and ruffled my hair as we walked out.

Word count: 1041.

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