Part 2

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* Y/N'S P. O. V. *

The moment I got home I went straight to my room and changed out of that itchy dress and into my comfortable PJ's, and went down to join my mother for dinner.

Athena: You changed already?
Jin kyong: Yeah that dress was kinda itchy.
Athena: Okay. Eat your food now before your food gets cold...

She said.  While I ate I noticed that mother wasn't eating instead she was playing with the food.

Jin kyong: Mom usually you tell me not to play with my food. What's on your mind?
Athena: I can't hide anything frim you can I?
Jin kyong: Nope.... Now tell me what's wrong?
Athena: You know that guy I was arguing with at the party?
Jin kyong: Yeah?...
Athena: That's Zeus....
Jin kyong: Your life long enemy?!
Athena: Yep...
Jin kyong: I don't know why the idiot is here on earth. But you shouldn't let that succumb bother you. Ignore him...
Athena: Your right. I should take my mind of it. But anyway did you have a good time at the party?
Jin kyong: Yeah I did!
Athena: Ohh... Did you meet any boys!?

She said teasingly.

Jin kyong: Come on mom...
Athena: What? Every mother is nosy about their daughters love life!
Jin kyong: Gosh... But yeah I did. He was very sweet and also saved me from some perverted man who was hella drunk.
Athena: What a way to meet a boy. Just like in those movies the humans watch!

I just laughed at my mom's childish behavior. And for the rest  of dinner time was spent laughing and chatting. Then I washed the dishes and went to my room. I took my phone of the desk and layed down in bed while checking my social media. While checking I saw a message from a unknown number. So I messaged back.


Jin kyong

Who is this?


I'm Yeonjun! Remember you
Gave me your number at
The party....

Jin kyong

Oh hi.
I don't really forget I just
thought you were  not
gonna text back...

       Jin kyong changed
Unknown to


I wouldn't forget such a pretty

I blushed at his text.

Jin kyong

Nobody's ever called me pretty...


I feel privileged to be the first then!


in kyong

Anyway what are you doing up so late?


I could ask you the same thing...
But since you asked first.
I was up training.

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