chapter 1

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Despite the fact that she lived in a huge mansion , since she was only seventeen years old, Probus felt like she was living in a cage made of gold.

She was now twenty years old and had long straight brown hair with curly ends and forest green eyes. In addition, she had a haircurl on the right side of her head and twirled front hair.

Her master was a man in his mid to late fourties whose face  looked handsome but he was actually worse than a monster. In fact he was an egoist, greedy and misogynist person  who thought that women's only job was to be tools for  men and give birth to their heirs. Although many people admired him for being rich and having a handsome face without knowing how awful he truly was.

He took her to work in his mansion, when she was just seventeen years old orphan , who had nowhere to go and she was really scared . At first he gave her false promises, that she would be richly rewarded for her work.

But things turned to be the exact opposite. In fact he never treated her as human being with feelings, but as a soulless object.

Even though her life seemed to be awful , she tried her best to remain strong and and not give up on hoping that one day she would be the one who would decide her own destiny.

By the time the young lady woke up , she saw a list with chores that her master laid out for her to do. She read them and the first thing she had to do was to make breakfast for him and bring it to his room.

Without wasting time , she went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. When everything was ready, she put them on a tray and went towards the man's bedroom.

When she entered the bedroom and left the tray to his bed , he said with an indifferent expression on his face:

"Good thing , that you managed to do it in so little time. If you were two more minutes late, you will have been punished

"Yes, sir"

"Wait, Did I give you permission to speak?"

"But I.."

"No buts. And now get out of my room immediately".

Without saying a word Probus , just nodded and left the room closing the door behind her.

Her life in the mansion was miserable. The master of the house controlled every single of her moves and forbade her to speak without his permission. And to make it worse , he punished her even for the smallest mistakes.

He didn't even hesitate to humilate her , in every opportunity. Nor he allowed her to have fun, even if it was just for a little, because according to him : "servants aren't even supposed to have free time. They should always work".

She hated it and , of course she hated him. Even though she had nowhere else to go and didn't really have any other choise.

Although there were two things that helped her escape from the harsh reality and hope for a better life.

The first one was books. It was thanks to her tutor Danaë, a very kind woman with long brown hair and green eyes that grew her love for books.

Everytime that the rich man was busy with other things, she took one of the books that she had very well hidden in her bedroom and started reading it. And they were all given to her by her tutor.

Her tutor Danaë loved Probus like she was her own daughter and taught her lots interesting and useful things . She also had two daughters. Her older one was Antigone and the younger was Nausicaä. The two sisters had one year difference with eachother and both of them were really fond of the young girl.

The second one was gardening. Being in the nature and taking care of the various trees and flowers, made her feel calm when she was upset and helped her relax. She handled every tree and flower of the mansion's huge garden carefully and with lots of love.

Along with freedom , she dreamed of finding true love in the face of a man who would treat her as an actual human being , instead of a tool that could throw away after using it.

That day, it seemed that luck was by her side. Her rich master would be away on a business trip in another place for two whole months and by the time he left, she knew that she would have the freedom to do things that she wasn't usually allowed to do.

She didn't know that this would be the day that she would find her soulmate.

The next day , Probus woke up peacefully for the first time in three years. She immediately started looking at the drawers in her room, until she found it. It was a beautiful long white dress with flower decorations on its bottom. It was made by the girl's mother as a gift before the woman and her husband passed away.

The young woman always cherised her gift. And now that she was already grown up. She could wear it. After showering and getting dressed, she accompanied her dress with a pair of sandals and a crown with fake pink flowers and went for a walk into the town.

She started walking and enjoying the lovely scenery until she stumbled and fell down. It was then, that she heard a serious yet gentle male voice.

"Are you alright? Can I help you?" he asked her offering her his hand while smiling at her.

Probus turned her gaze upwards and face the most handsome man she ever met. He was twenty one years old and a bit taller than her. He had short somewhat spiky blond hair and brown eyes. He wore a white blouse and a pair of white trousers with a golden belt. He also had a red cape and a pair of sandals on his feet.

She gladly gave her hand to the young man , with the words "thank you" coming out of her mouth.

She looked at him stunned and said :

"I really appreciate your act of kindness. It's been a long that a man treated me like this".

"It's my pleasure to help those in need" he responded to her. "What is your name , my lovely lady?"

"My name's Probus. Nice to meet you" .

"What a beautiful name. I'm Aurelian. Nice to meet you as well".

After they both introduced to eachother, Aurelian bowed down and took Probus' hand , kissing it gently as sign of respect.

She stood there blushing and felt like she was in a dream. Even though this was the reality.

The two of them spend more time with each other and before started getting dark, she told him :

"Good Night, see you tomorrow".

Then the boy responded to her:

"Good Night to you as well. I hope we can see eachother more times ".

Though no one of them knew that they were made for eachother and were destined to be together. And this is how their wonderful lovestory begins.

To be continued...

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