chapter 5

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The wealthy man was still angry with his defeat the previous day and started cursing,  something which horrified even the rest of the stuff that worked on the mansion:

"That's not fair. If that brat didn't intervene , I would have won the duel against that peasant and I would even kill him".

As he was trying to find a way to get his revenge on the couple, two guards invaded the mansion and arrested him. He was so frustrated, but later he thought that his money may helped him to be proved innocent.

The courtroom was full of people and everyone was waiting for the trial to begin. Some of them even whispered:

"What crime did the condemned person commit"?

"I heard that he abused and hurt a woman both physically and mentally".

"If it is true , then I hope that the judge won't make the grave mistake by proving him innocent".

The guards brought the man front of the judge and the trial was about to start.

During the whole process of the trial , Aurelian was holding Probus' hand and stood next to her. Both of them were worried but they tried their best to comfort eachother.

The judge looked at the accused with a strict expression on his face, something that made the rich man scared.

"You are accused for exploiting everyone who worked for you and using all of them as tools. You also abused a woman both physically and mentally. And your worst crime is that you tried to force her to marry you and become pregnant with boys, even if it would cost her health in the end.From all of your victims , this young lady had the worst treatment".

Hearing this , the evil man started yelling and acting like someone whose vocabulary lacked the words ,manners and kindness.

"These are all huge lies. I am completely innocent. That witch over there , made up all these stories about my supposed cruelty and she may have brainwashed other people in order to believe her. I don't want to be punished. Just get my money and prove my innocence, right now".

The young lady stood bravely and started speaking :

"I am not a witch nor I brainwashed other people so they would believe me. This man took me to work in his mansion three years ago , but he always treated me badly and punished me even for the smallest mistakes. I have scars on my back, because of that monster".

For a brief moment, everyone in the court room remained silent. At the same time, they all had shocked expression on their faces.

Very soon , Aurelian defended Probus , not because he wanted to make impressions. He only did it because, he knew that it was his duty instead of running away like a coward.

"Everything she tells is true. She doesn't deserve to be punished for crimes, that she never commited".

Lots of people felt sympathy for the woman and disapproved the man's actions.

"This woman is so strong. I admired the wrong person without knowing how wicked he actually was".

"I only hope that the judge won't mess up and proclaim the man innocent"

Now, the whole audience was waiting for the judge's decision. Would the accused be proclaimed guilty or innocent?

The judge listened both sides and soon proclaimed the man guilty  not only for abuse and gaining money illegally , but also for false accusations against someone that was completely innocent.

The fate of the rich man was now sealed  and there was nothing that could save him. Not even all of his money. His punishment was already decided. He would spent the rest of his life in a jail and guards would watch all of his moves 24/7, so he wouldn't escape.

He was forced in hard labour, while getting a taste of his own medicine by being treated by the guards the same way he treated the young woman. From now on, the world that he created for himself would only exist in his mind, knowing that he would never have it again in reality.

As for his property, it would be confiscated and they move would be given to those in need.

As soon as the loving couple left the courtroom after their triumph, a suprise would wait for them.

In the entrance of the small house, Romulus and Danaë were waiting for them. In fact they weren't alone. Romulus brought his sons Lovino , Feliciano, Pancrazio and Marcello with him , and Danaë brought her daughters Antigone and Nausicaä.

The older man and the older woman congratulated the couple for their triumph and were impressed on how they cared about eachother.

Now, it was Probus' turn to introduce Aurelian to her tutor.

"Mrs Danaë , I would like to introduce you to Aurelian. We fell in love and he treats me very well".

These words made the older woman happy. She was so proud, that her student found love in the face of a man who was kind with her and most importantly, didn't saw her as a soulless puppet. Her two daughters found the young man very likeable as well.

It started getting dark and two families went to their homes. Although they didn't forget to wish the best for the sweet couple.

The next day , Probus went to look for a job, since she didn't want to just sit all day without doing anything. When she finally it , she went home and told Aurelian the good news. He was so proud that his beloved would now do something that she truly loved and get a good reward.

From that day and on , she worked as a book author and unlike her former boss , her new manager was impressed on her hard and honest work. She was much nicer with her and payed her very well, something that motivated her to work harder.

Her books became so successful , that more people started to read them and appreciate them better.

[One year later]

Probus walked all the way towards the botanic garden. Her boyfriend, Aurelian, told her that it was something very important, and she immediately got there as fast as she could.

She saw him blushing and knew that he had something beautiful for her.

Aurelian got on one knee and pulled out a small box with a ring inside it , while he told her this :

" Probus , my sweetheart! All my life I was looking for my other half and it was  something that almost seemed impossible. Until the day I met you. You are the first woman that cared about me instead of exploiting me. You accepted all the love , I gave you without asking something in return. So, will you marry me"?

This speech filled her eyes with tears of happiness.

" Aurelian, my delight! It is thanks to your support that I could set myself free from an abusive environment and you also encouraged me to be more open and even make more friends. You also gave me the  kindness and respect, I truly wanted and deserved. I want to stay by your side , not as a superior nor as an inferior. But as an equal. So yes , I will marry you".

By the time the lady finished speaking, Aurelian stood up and gave Probus the ring.

"I love you , Probus"

"I love you too, Aurelian"

After all this, the loving couple kissed on the lips while both of them had a feeling so beautiful and unreal that words weren't enough to describe it.

From that day and on, the two hearts were finally united as one. Their relationship was genuinely a healthy one and none of the partners cheated on eachother, not even as a joke. No matter how many struggles they faced, they fought side by side to get over them. They stayed by eachother's side forever , knowing that it wasn't money that brought people happiness. It was pure love itself.

The end.

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