Hachi Ohger Bio

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Name: Cole Lister

Age: 17-19

Gender: Male

Being: Wasp Faunus


(Wasp Wings behind his back)

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(Wasp Wings behind his back)

Description: Cole Lister is the king of Hiveria and is Hachi Ohger while also a member of Team ROYAL. Cole is unique than the rest of the Kings because he's a Faunus, which makes him the very first ever Faunus to become a Royalty when his father married a Faunus. Long ago when the Wrath of the Gods happened, the Kingdom was in ruined because of the event and didn't know what to do. Until Silvio offers his older sister: Ciara the help they need for the kingdom, but for exchange she trades herself for the help for the kingdom which he hesitates but older his sister say it's fine and accepts the offer. She told him to looks after their Kingdom which Cole accept and will do anything to keep peace intact, even if he has to get his hands dirty.

Personality: Kind, Caring, Generous, Brave, Liar (sometimes, Facade), trickster, Gentle, Wise, Serious, Intrigued,

Likes: His Kingdom, His Comrades, His older Sister, His ancestor, the Shugods, Food, keeping his kingdom in peace, making peace, helping people, chatting, lying (sometimes), Velvet Scarlatina, White Fang, Faunus, Rory Angelos, His Chefs,

Dislikes: His Kingdom getting attacked, Bugnarok, Grimm, James Ironwood (later on), Racists, other Faunus' discrimination, Salem, Silvio Angelos (hated in the inside),

Semblance: Venomous Sting - one of his his shows a projection of a stinger and paralyses the opponent which they're only at it for 10 minutes unless the user snaps their fingers


Grandfather: Donovan Lister/First Hachi Ohger (deceased)

Grandfather: Donovan Lister/First Hachi Ohger (deceased)

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Father: Dwayne Lister/Previous Hachi Ohger (deceased)

Father: Dwayne Lister/Previous Hachi Ohger (deceased)

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