Halloween Special: A Optimistic Girl's Birthday

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{3rd POV}

Rory was sleeping in the dorm with his team who is sleeping as well.

Then someone's alarm clock goes off.

It was a song from together with Moffun.

The song went on for minutes until Livius busted the alarm clock.

Livius:(tiredly)"ugh! That was so annoying!" As he tried to go back to sleep.

All of the sudden, his hair was being grabbed by someone.

Livius:"ow! Ow! Ow!" The person was revealed to be Zahra who looks pretty pissed off.


Livius:(angrily in pain)"let go of me you bitch!"

Phoenix:*yawns* "what is going on?"

Cole:"Zahra & Livius seems to be fighting again" as he was up already.

Rory:"oh, gosh dammit" as he uses his semblance to separate them.

Livius:"oi! Put us down!"

Zahra:"I have to make him pay for his crimes!"

Rory:"well you guys would have to fight each other some other day, we have class to attend to!"

Livius and Zahra stopped what they're doing as they nodded to what he said.

Rory:"Good, then let's get ready for class" as he puts them back down.

Then the speaker started talking which Ozpin was the one speaking.

Ozpin:(speaker)"good morning students, I have an announcement today to say that there will be no school today. But instead later tonight we'll be celebrating a Halloween party"

Cole:"a Halloween party, so interesting"

Ozpin:(speaker)"so enjoy the rest of the day until the tonight" as the speaker became quiet.

Rory:"..... Well, a Halloween party seems interesting"

Zahra:"I'll pass"

Rory:"what? Why?"

Zahra:"cause I need to stay neutral"

Livius:"how the hell would a Halloween party break your neutral way?"

Phoenix:"come on Zahra, it'll be fun"

Zahra:"I apologize, but I can't go"

Phoenix:"hmm.... I'll let you have a FaceTime with the actor of Moffun"

Zahra's eyes widen when Phoenix said that and she turns to her.

Zahra:"you better not be lying"

Phoenix:"oh please, I'm more truthful with Mr Liar over there" as she addresses Cole.

Cole:"aww what?"

Rory:"you do kinda lie a lot"

????:"EEEEEE!!!" That yell had surprised the team.

Livius:"what in the hell is that?"

Cole:"sounds like someone's in trouble"

Rory:"then let's check on them!" As all of them went out of their room and went to see what's going on.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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