Chapter 0 Part 1: The Birth of a Prince and A Brother's Revenge

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{3rd POV}

It starts with a scene of a kingdom from far away which was revealed to be Staggerron.

It starts with a scene of a kingdom from far away which was revealed to be Staggerron

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Then the scene zooms in to a room with a man with red hair while in a suit.

????:*sighs* "today is a big day" as he prepared himself until some knocks on the door

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????:*sighs* "today is a big day" as he prepared himself until some knocks on the door.

????:"come in!"

Then the person came inside which revealed to be Flynn that looked a lot older.

????:"ah, father"

Flynn:*smiles* "hello Crimson"

It was revealed that the man getting prepared was the son of Flynn named Crimson Angelos.

Crimson:"I'm just about ready for the special day"

Flynn:"ah yes, your wedding with your fiance"

Crimson:*blushes* "y-yeah"

Flynn:"I'm glad you found some like her, now get out there son. Your brother Silvio is waiting for us"

Crimson:*nods* "you're right" then the two of them headed out of the room.

*A minute later*

They eventually arrived at the ceremony where Silvio was waiting for them.

They eventually arrived at the ceremony where Silvio was waiting for them

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