List of Kingdoms

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1st Kingdom: Staggerron

Description: Staggerron is said to be one of the biggest kingdom in all of the other 8 Kingdoms and it's owned by the Angelos family, but there's been a lot of heavy taxes which led some of the people to become poor ever since Silvio Angelos becam...

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Description: Staggerron is said to be one of the biggest kingdom in all of the other 8 Kingdoms and it's owned by the Angelos family, but there's been a lot of heavy taxes which led some of the people to become poor ever since Silvio Angelos became the King of Staggerron.

2nd Kingdom: Flygon

Description: Flygon is one of the most advanced Kingdoms and it's very much more advanced than Atlas as it was owned by the Kryten family

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Description: Flygon is one of the most advanced Kingdoms and it's very much more advanced than Atlas as it was owned by the Kryten family. As Flygon was know for making products like phones & laptops etc, and it's led by Livius who's the King of Flygon but calls himself the president instead and is also the one that restored the kingdom as it is today which it floats in the air.

3rd Kingdom: Mānton

Description: Mānton is one of the Kingdoms that's known for having  beautiful gardens and was own by the Kochanski Family, but the Kochanski bloodline is gone because of a Assassin from the Fury of the Gods but luckily it's in the hands of Phoenix...

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Description: Mānton is one of the Kingdoms that's known for having  beautiful gardens and was own by the Kochanski Family, but the Kochanski bloodline is gone because of a Assassin from the Fury of the Gods but luckily it's in the hands of Phoenix Kochanski who's the adopted daughter of the Kochanski Family and is looking after it well.

4th Kingdom: Popillia

Description: Popillia was known for being one of the coldest kingdoms but it's just as cold as Atlas/Mantle

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Description: Popillia was known for being one of the coldest kingdoms but it's just as cold as Atlas/Mantle. The kingdom's Royal Family were the Lawrences until the daughter of the first ruler: Lilac met Albino Schnee who was from the Schnee family and they fell in love as the two families start living together, its current Ruler is Zahra Lawrence Schnee after Lilac's "death" happened and Albino's arrest for the murder.

5th Kingdom: Hiveria

Description: Hiveria is the very known Kingdom for having the biggest food supply which that's where most of the other Kingdoms get their food from, It was ruled over by the Lister Family who used to be ruled over by Ciara that was taken away by S...

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Description: Hiveria is the very known Kingdom for having the biggest food supply which that's where most of the other Kingdoms get their food from, It was ruled over by the Lister Family who used to be ruled over by Ciara that was taken away by Silvio for a deal but Hiveria is currently ruled by Cole: the Younger Brother of Ciara.

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