??? : pri...princess if you won't win this battle...... definitely he des....tro....yed the.... (he was cut off by princess)
Princess : NO...I won't... allow it ..to happen....( then she moves the queen Pisces and checkmate the king and see from her right side then see the chessboard it filled with blood
both of them speaking in low voice blood is coming from their mouth and they loosing their strengths looking so pale)Alarm ringing
??? : Suddenly I wake up from my bed and I close my eyes and recall what I have seen in my dream why that princess looks like my sister and who is he what Is happening I think to myself.
??? : Jin are you waken up
Jin : Yeah Mom I wakeup
Jin's Mom : come down stairs breakfast is ready Jin
Jin : Okay, soon I have to find out why I always see this same dream....!
Let The Epic Begin