☁❤The date❤☁

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(Ok first i just want to say im sorry for the wait, And this is a REALLY old story i wrote with my friends at the beginning of 2022, so if its bad that means i didn't want to edit it)

(Kou's P.O.V.)
I was walking in the hallways when I suddenly felt a hand grab my arm. "Hm- Oh hey Mitsuba!" I say as he lets go of my arm and walks to my side and grabs my hand. " Hey lame ass earring " he said in a kinda sad tone. " Hey, you ok? "I asked a little worried. "Yea I'm fine, just a little sad today..." "Hey, do you want to come to my house later today to watch some anime? Maybe that will cheer you up "I say "Sure lame ass earring we can meet up after school then we can walk to your house". "Okay" I say as I walk to my next class. Ugh.... final that class is over. I say as I grab my things and start walking out of the School. I walked to the gate and waited for Mitsuba. "So, are you ready to go?" I ask. "Yup, all good" "Alright" I say as we start walking to my house. My house isn't very far, so it took us only 10 minutes.
When we walked in I saw that there was a note for me on the table. "Hey Kou, I won't be home today. I got stabbed with a knife so i won't be home for the weekend. From Teru. "What?" I said in response after reading the note. "What happened?" Mitsuba asked me. "Uhh it's nothing. Don't worry about it.'' I said to him.'' Uh, do you want to go to my room so we can watch some anime?" I asked him. " "Sure.." He said as we walked up to my room. When we got up there we sat on my bed. I couldn't help but look at him. He looked so cute today.''Uh Kou, are we going to watch anime or are you just going to stare at me the whole time?" "Oh yea sorry." I said as I turned on the Promised neverland. After a while he fell asleep I couldn't stop thinking about him. I wondered if he liked me back and if I should ask him out.I ended up falling asleep a few minutes later next to him. When I woke up the next day he was cuddled up next to me I felt myself blushing. I looked down at him and as I was touching his hair. I saw his eyes open "Hey Kou, what are you doing? "Nothing, just woke up when you did," I said blushing. "Hmm, I'm kinda hungry." "What do you want to eat for breakfast?" I asked, still blushing. "Umm, how about onigiri?" He asked me. "Sure, we can have onigiri." "We can go to the store and get some. and while we are at the store we can get something to drink." "Ok lets go" " one sec i need to get my jacket." Mitsuba said as he ran up the stairs to go get his jacket. "Hurry up mitsuba '' I yelled from down stairs. "Ok ok i'm hurrying" he said as he ran down the stairs putting his jacket on."Hmm what taking him so long" I thought to myself as I grabbed my jacket then went back out of my house. "Hey, what took you so long?" I said as we started walking to the store. "Sorry it took so long I couldn't find my jacket at first," he said. " It's fine." We walked to the store which was a five minute walk from my house. Then we go in. I went and grabbed some soda and then I went to get the onigiri when I saw Mitsuba looking at some flan. "Can I have some?" he asked me. "No Mitsuba" "Pretty please I will pay you back" "Fine..." I say as I put it in the basket. "Now let's go get the onigiri. " "Ok, thank you Kou." "Your welcome Mitsuba." I say as I grab the onigiri. I also saw some sweet potato jellies and grabbed some for myself. Once we got to the front, I payed for everything. Once we got home I gave Mitsuba his flan and started to cook breakfast. " MITSUBA BREAKFAST IS READY!". I shouted from down stairs. "Coming!" he said as he walked into the kitchen." Finally, I'm starving" he said as he sat down next to me. After we ate breakfast I asked Mitsuba if he wanted to go to the park. " Um sure, let me grab my camera," he said. Once we got there Mitsuba ran to a flower field and started taking photos of the different kinds of flowers, the sky, really just anything.
(Mitsubas P.O.V) I ran over to the flower field, leaving Kou somewhere. I started taking pictures of the flowers, the birds, anything that I found pretty. "Hey mitsuba" I heard Kou say in a kind of nervous tone. "uh, give me one sec while i take this picture of this cat" i say to him "oh ok.." he said. "ok i'm all done so what do you want to talk about?" I asked him. "umm i wanted to ask you if you wanted to go on a date?" he said blushing. "Umm sure as long as you don't do anything perverted " i said. "Ok, then how about Sunday?" he asked me "Umm sure, can we go to that new cafe that just opened up?" "Ok, that sounds good to me." " What time are we going to eat?" I asked him. " umm, how's 5 pm?" "Alright, that sounds good," I said to him. "It's getting pretty late, we should probably start going home now" "yea your right" i say as we start walking back to Kous house. Once we got back, I grabbed my things and said my goodbyes and left his house. I was walking home, the sky was going dark and it was cold. Once i got home I put up my jacket and went to my room. I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that I was going on a date with my crush tomorrow. "I should probably go to sleep so I'm not late in the morning." I say as I go to sleep.

(The next day)
(Kous P.O.V)
"Hmm?, what time is it?" I said as I got up from my bed.I grab my phone to check the time 9 it said.I go downstairs and make myself some breakfast. I kept thinking about the fact that I was going on a date with Mistuba. After breakfast I went for a run I ran for about 2 hours in total.When I got back I took a shower I look at the time again 3 i decided to take a quick nap.When I woke up I looked at the time again "Fuck" I say as i look at the time its 5 already i was going to be late I quickly got dressed and went to the cafe quickly by the time I got there it was 5:25 I was just wishing Mistuba doesnt think I stood him up. When i get there i see mitsuba sitting at a table so i go to the table that he is at and i say hi mitsuba he looks at me

(Mitsubas P.O.V)
"Where is he?" I say to myself. He was supposed to be here 25 minutes ago, where is he? I was about to get up then I saw him. I ran up to him "Kou you're here!" I said happily as I jumped on him "Sorry, I slept in so late." He tells me "It's alright." I said to him, we sat down at the table and got ready to order. The waiter walked over to us and asked us what we wanted to order. "Hello, I'm Katie and I will be your server today. Are you guys ready to order?" She asked us. "Yea, um I will have a toasted house club sandwich." Kou asked the waiter.''Okay anything else?" The waiter asks Kou in a kinda flirty voice. "Oh can I also have a caramel latte too." Kou responded, "Um I'll have a latte with some flan." I say kinda jealousy. "Alright, is that all for you two today?" Katie asked. "Yup." Me and Kou say at the same time we both giggle a little as she walks away to help another table but as she is I see her looking at Kou a bunch as she is."What's wrong Mistuba?" Kou asks."Nothing." I said quickly I didn't want him to know I was jealous of the waiter. He would think im stupid right?After a while Katie came back "Here are your drinks." she said sweetly but smiling while looking at Kou.I don't know why but something made me really mad in that moment and I just got up and went to the bathroom without saying anything when i got in there it was it was empty I sat in there for a while trying to calm down once I did i went back and sat with Kou."Hey mitsuba are you sure you're okay?"He asked, "Yeah I'm fine." I respond quickly. I didn't want him to know I was jealous."Here is your food oh and for the cute boy my number is on there, call me." she said as she winked at him I don't know what I was thinking but at that moment I stood up and punched her "Stop flirting with my date you bitch!"Kou stared at me and I covered my mouth. We were told to leave so we did."Mitsuba what was that about?" "I-I-I" I end up crying he hugged me as I did "Its okay I just want to know why punched her she was kind." he said as he hugged me trying to calm me down."Alright what happened was since we got there she was flirting with you and I got jealous and I didnt know what came over me when she told you to call her I just got really mad and ended up punching her i'm sorry." "It's alright I'm sorry I didn't know that she was flirting with me till she told me to call her." I let go of him and looked out the window. He started driving to a field. It was beautiful.He got out and opened the door for me "Come on mitsuba." I got out of the car then he took my hand and we started walking till we got to this hill.

(Kous P.O.V)

I sat him down on the hill. We sat there quietly for a while.''Hey mitsuba?" I said breaking the silence I was about to ask him out. I got him a new camera and we were watching the sunset. It was perfect timing.''Hm?" he responded looking at me.My mind quickly painted. I took the camera out of my bag.''Would you like to be my boyfriend?" I said quickly as I was blushing, holding out the gift in front of him.''YES!, OF COURSE ." He responded I gave him the camera and he smiled happily as he set the camera down and hugged me tightly. I was so glad it turned out the way I wanted it to.I kissed him as he hugged me smiling.


IM SO SORRY IF ITS BAD- AND MITSUBA IS REALLY OUT OF CHARACTER, IM SORRY- i just finished on my way to school soo, yea-

Words: 1944 😗✌

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