His Second Chance At Life pt. 3

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-Kous pov-
I gagged while I tripped over my foot as I tried to back up. There's no way somebody really dug up his body. And why would they give it to me? Out of all people. My mind was racing, I couldn't hear anything but the thoughts in my head, until I remembered, Tsukasa..he.. So this is what he meant by "He'll help me get a body"... I tried to stand up as best as I could. I walked over to the coffin and put the lid back on it. Nene was done throwing up by now. We were all just looking at each other. "Was that.. Mitsuba-kuns body..." Nene asked shakingly and I nodded my head in response. I stare at the coffin blankly. "Guys..." I say slowly as I look at both of them. Hanako raises his eyebrows and glances at the coffin, then looks at me. I nodded my head in agreement. I heard Hanako sigh as I put my attention back on the coffin.

Later that day once I got home all I could think about was what had happened in the bathroom. I mean how would this all work? Yeah we got a body, well "his" body to be exact. I guess I won't have to worry about him looking any differently. But would he remember me? My thoughts got interrupted by my brother knocking on my door. I could tell it was him, he has a very distinct knocking pattern. "Kou, dinners done, i ordered us pizza," Teru said through the door. "Coming," I said as I hopped out of bed, and opened my door to head down stairs.

Once I had gotten into the kitchen, I saw both my siblings sitting down with fresh pizza in front of them. I sat in my seat next to my little sister, who was too busy stuffing pizza in her mouth. I looked at my food and started to pray. After dinner Teru wanted to talk to me. So after my sister went up stairs to her room, my brother took me into the living room to talk. I sat down on the couch as my brother sat in the love seat that was next to the couch. "So Kou, are you doing alright.." I was quiet for a couple seconds before I responded. "Yea im fine," "Are you sure? You have been very distant lately.." "I'm fine, I promise," I said , looking my brother in the eyes. "Okay, well it's getting late, i'll see you in the morning." Teru said as he stood up from the love seat. " Goodnight," I said as I stood up from the couch and walked towards the stairs. "Goodnight Kou," my brother said as he picked up some papers from the coffee table. I opened the door to my room and shut it right when I got inside. I checked my phone to see what time it was. "Dang, 11:56?" "oh well" I sighed as I plugged up my phone and jumped in bed. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. I couldn't shake the feeling of Mitsuba coming back to life. It's just how he would come back, i mean we have his body already (Thanks to Tsukasa) but how would it work. I still don't know when this is all going to happen, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

I woke up the next morning feeling groggy. I normally don't feel like this but oh well. I get out of bed and go to my bathroom to shower and stuff. When I was done I got dressed into my uniform and went downstairs to make breakfast for my siblings. I just made pancakes. My little sister Tiara was the first one down the stairs, and then came my tired and barely dressed older brother Teru. We all sat at the table and ate breakfast. When we were done eating, I washed the dishes and got all of my stuff ready. I was standing by the door waiting for my brother to hurry up so we could leave when I got a text from Nene. She said to meet her at the front gates when I get to the school. I replied with "Okay" and put my phone in my pocket. Once my brother came down the stairs we walked out the door and walked to the school. Once we had gotten there I saw Nene waiting for me at the front gates like she said. I said bye to my brother as he walked to the high school division. I walked over to Nene as she waved to me. "Hi Kou- kun!" she said cheerfully. "Hi Nene!" I replied back. "Ok so, about yesterday," She started. "Well Me and Hanako may or may not have, uhh you know," she trailed off thinking I would understand what she was implying. Which I didn't. I raised my eyebrow and tilted my head a little to see if she understood that I didn't understand what she was talking about. She gets the hint and sighs. "Well, there's a surprise for you in your Homeroom, anyways i have to go byee!" She said as she ran into the building behind me. I shrugged it off and also walked into the building. Once I got into my homeroom I looked around to see if I saw anything like a present or something. I couldn't find anything of the sort. I just gave up and sat in my seat and waited for class to start. I wanted to meet with Hanako to know when we would bring Mitsuba back. I saw a couple students enter the classroom and sit down or just stand and talk with their friends. I saw Yokoo walk in with Satou. They immediately saw me and walked over to my desk. "Hey Kou!," "Hey Yokoo,"I said. Satou waved and sat next to me while eating his sweats.

"Soo i got more info on the new student situation," "Yea," "well, for one the rumors were true, and second there coming today!" "Wait, really?" "Yeah, some people already saw him. They said he looks cute, and kinda like a girl," like a girl..? Wait is it- no it's probably just a coincidence. Yokoo then switched the subject and started talking about his soccer game. I was half paying attention because I still couldn't stop thinking about the new student. Some say they were cute, and some say that they looked like a girl. As I was thinking, the class bell rang. Everyone went and sat down in their seats as the teacher walked in the room.

"Ok class,Today we will continue on what we worked on last week since we didn't finish it. But first, i would like to introduce you all to a new student who will be joining us today," lots of students gasped and some started shaking each other, i just raised my eyebrows and continued doodling on my paper. "I would like you all to meet Mitsuba Sousuke!" my teacher said turning her focus away from the class and to the classroom door. My eyes widen, I dart my head up to look at the door. "N-no way..." I mumbled to myself so no one could hear me. The door slid open and there standing in the doorway was a person who had pink hair, their bangs covering their right eye, and they had a pink cardigan on their waist. My eyes go wider as they walk into the classroom. They stand at the front of the class and they start to introduce themselves. They start to examine all the people's faces till they get to mine. Their eyes also widen but go back to normal. They give me a small smile as they look back to the whole class, then to the teacher. "Well i am glad we got to have you join our class, now you may pick one of the empty seats in the classroom to sit in," my teacher said going back to her desk. The new kid walks down my row and sands next to me. I look up at them as they look down at me(since i'm sitting down) "Is this seat taken?" they ask "Uh, no," "Can I sit here?" sure,"I say. The person sits down beside me, and I could hear people scuffling and sighing all around.''Alright class, let's continue". "Mitsuba is that really you..?" i whispered "Of course dummy, who else would he be?" he whispered back. I blink a couple times before turning my attention back to the teacher.

Word count: 1448

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