His crush..?

120 4 13

The way he looked..The way he felt..The way he made me feel complete..like a whole..,

"MITSUBA!," I heard my mom yell from the kitchen, "YEAH?," I yelled back "SOMEBODIES AT THE DOOR, AND THEY WANNA TALK TO YOU"

Huh? I wasn't expecting anybody coming over today, I mean who could it be- oh.. 'him'.

I got out of bed and walked to my door, while fixing my hair on the way out. Once I had made it to the living room I saw a blonde head sitting at the island that was in the kitchen. I knew it. Why the fuck is he here?? I asked myself as I walked over to my mother and the blonde.

"Ah, why hello Sousuke!" "I was just talking to your little friend here," "Hey Mitsuba!" I sat down by the blonde kid, aka Minamoto Kou, or as what I like to call him, lame ass traffic safety  earring. "Hey mom, hi Minamoto-kun," I said trying to be a little more nice I guess.

"So Sousuke, why haven't you told me about your friend!, how long have you two know each other!" "I don't know, and we've known each other since first year," I said kinda fiddling with my fingers. "WHAAA?! AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME!!" My mom practically yelled from the other side of the table/island. "Well we weren't really that close back in first year," Minamoto replied. "Oh, well then I'll leave you two to chat, while I prepare lunch!" I grabbed Minamoto's hand and ran into my room. I shut the door and sat on my bed with my arms crossed.

"Know tell me, Why are you here!." "Are you stalking me?, are trying to get all friendly with me so you can take advantage of me or something?!" I say kinda angry. Like why does he still know the way to my house, he walked me home once, and that was almost a month ago. "No, I'm not trying to take advantage of you, and I'm not stalking you!" "I just wanted to hang out with you," "are you sure that's all you want?" "Yeah.." "hmm, Fine. But I'm not gonna let my guard down so easily." I said moving my head in the opposite direction of my body. "Hm alright," he said putting his hand up in the air as he sat down in my desk chair.

We talked for a bit before my mother called us in the kitchen for lunch. Once we got done eating we talked about some things, like school, and other stuff."Sooo, Minamoto-kun, do you have a girlfriend ~" my mom asked smirking. "Nope," Minamoto-kun said giggling a little while different places on his face turned a light crimson color.

Know that I was looking at his face he looked really beautiful..  for one, I couldn't take my eyes off of those beautiful ocean blue eyes. They were like the Seas, and if I ventured too far away from the shore I could get lost and drown.. the longer I looked the more I fell deeper.. I felt eyes on me, which snapped me out of my trance and back into reality. "Sousuke honey, are you alright?" My mom asked a little worried.  "Yea I'm fine mama," I guess Minamoto-kun was just looking at me, kinda like how I was looking at him a little bit earlier. He looked away when he saw me looking back at him.

After he left I hade went back into my room and stared at the ceiling. For a while I had denied the fact that I had a crush on Minamoto, I just thought it would have been weird if I was in love with my best friend, you know?. But recently, (2 months) I accepted the fact I had a crush on him, well, I have a crush on him.

I don't really remember when it started, but I think it was back in first year. It started with his smile. His big bright smile that can most likely light up this whole world. It's very cute in my opinion, (and my opinion is always right,) and his sharp canines are also really cute. It kinda makes him look like a dog, also with his very messy, yet net hair. He let me play with his hair once, and  it was super fluffy.

His hair is also very soft. Kinda mated tho-

But I guess that's fine. And then his eyes. I could just go on and on about his eyes, his smile, his hair, his everything. And since he likes to over share a lot, I know lots about his life I guess. And it's not really my fault, he kinda just yaps and never stops. I grabbed my phone to check the time. It was 10:56. I groaned. I put it back down and got up and change into something to sleep in and layer in bed. All I could think about was Kou. Fuck man, why does he have to take up my thoughts all the time when I get ready to sleep.

Whatever, I'll just try my best to fall asleep.

Ok so, I kinda got bored and wrote this. It's like 2am rn and I really need to go to bed.i am also in Chicago atm too.that was very unnecessary but oh well, BYEEE!!!

Word count 905

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