His Second Chance At Life

118 4 15

-Kou's POV-

I stare at my ceiling. I look away from it, and start looking around my room. I shared a glance at the broken glass cup that was still laying on the floor. I groan as i pull myself up from my bed, and walk to my bathroom, passing by all of the stuff that was broken on my floor. I look up at the mirror, looking at my reflection. I stare at myself for a couple minutes before I started doing my daily routine. Once I was done, I walked out of the bathroom and to my room and laid back down.

I started to stare at my ceiling again, when suddenly I was snapped out of my staring contest with my ceiling when I heard a knock at my door. "Kou, May I come it?.." I hear my older brother ask from the other side of my door. "Uh, Yeah you can come in.." I say as he slowly opens my door. We make eye contact for a second before I looked away, not wanting to look at him. He slowly walked towards me. Once he made it to my bed he sat down next to me. We both sat silence for a little while, until I decided to break it. "I don't feel like going to school today.." I said looking away from my ceiling and over at the wall next to me. "You already stayed home last week, as the student council president I can't let you stay home more than a week at a time." I didn't respond. Ever since last Friday, i haven't been the same. I hear my brother sigh. "Kou I'm sorry but you have to go to school, everyone is worried about you. And you have school work to catch up on." I mumbled a small fine as I got up from my bed.

"Thank you, now hurry up and get dressed while I get tiara up." Teru says as he stands up and leaves, closing the door behind him. I stare at my closet for a second before grabbing my uniform and changing into it. I stare at the clock waiting for it to say 7:00.
"Kou!" I hear my brother yell from downstairs."It's time to go!," I didn't say anything for a second. "Okay!" I yell back as I walk downstairs. We walk to school in silence. When we got there my brother says " are you positive you will be ok today?" I didn't give him a response. Once I walked into the classroom I felt someone hug me. "Kou-kun are you ok?, I was worried about you, we all were, even Hanako-Kun was," Nene says. "I'm fine," "Alright class, take a seat" once class ended dragged me to the girls bathroom. "Hanako-kun!" Nene say. "Yeah," "Oh my, The kid finally showed up, You know Nene had to clean the bathroom all by herself. You know she was really struggling to when you were away" " Hanako-Kun! I was fine." Nene said, glaring at Hanako. "Are you sure? The top of the window doesn't look that clean to me," "yeah, or you're just to short to see it properly," "I am not short!" Hanako said with one hand on his chest. "If that's what you say," "well I'm glad to see y'all are back to being normal,". "Oh kid," Hanako says, looking back in my direction. "Hmm?" "So uhh, about what happened.." Hanako starts looking at me nervously. "..." I didn't give him a proper response. I look down at my feet letting him continue speaking. "We actually found a way to.. Uhh.." He looked at me while saying this last part. "Bring Mitsuba back to life.." I shoot my head up to look at him. My eyes went wide. "Wha..t.." I say as my eyes start watering. " Yeah,.." I heard Nene chime in. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I mean,they found a way to bring Mitsuba back to life? But they told me he was gone for good this time. Wait- does that mean they can make him human again?!

(Idk wtf I was thinking- like what else would he come back as, a fucking ghost, giraffe???)

I wonder to myself, as I look at Hanako in the eyes. "Does that mean you can.." I paused to see if he could understand what I was hinting at. He gave me a small nod. I looked at both of them this time, trying to see if one of them was lying. They both looked me dead in the face, then Hanako said, " We found a way to bring Mitsuba back to life." Nene nodded her head. I started crying. "But, we need a body to put his soul into.." Hanako said kinda slowly. I nodded my head as turned my body towards the bathroom door. "Where are you going?" Hanako asked, turning to me. "I.. just need some fresh air.." I said as I opened the door and walked out.

As I made my way outside I started thinking to myself. Where would they get the body to put his soul into? Would he be the same person as he was before? What if he didn't remember me anymore? So many thoughts ran through my mind as I walked down the halls. I found a bench outside by a cherry tree, the petals falling onto the bench and the ground. I sat on the bench and closed my eyes. How would this all work?, I mean how can we be so sure this would work. I was interrupted by a noise from one of the bushes to my left. I glanced over there and i could have sworn I saw a flash of color some sort. Without hesitation I stood up and walked over there. I looked through the bushes, but there wasn't anything there. I looked around for anything else but there was nothing. My phone started ringing, I took it out of my pocket and answered the call. "Hello?" " Hey Kou, could you come back to the bathroom? Hanako has more info on the plan now." I heard Nene say on the other end of the phone. "Sure, I'll be there in a sec," I replied as I hung up the phone and shoved it back into my pocket. I walked back into the school building, and weirdly enough nobody was in the school. I could have sworn before I left everyone was either heading to their clubs or walking home with friends. I looked around for a little bit to see if anyone was still in the building. Nobody was here. Not even the teachers. I started to get worried. I sprinted to the bathroom to see if Hanako and Nene were still in there. I got to the bathroom and it was empty. But I could still feel there presence with me. I backed up to the door and tried to leave. I started to worry about what was going on. I didn't have any clue on what to do. I was helpless, then a dark figure appeared by the window. My eyes widened. 'No, why is he here!' I thought to myself as the figure approached me very slowly. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I turned back around and he was standing right in front of me. "What do you want runt?.." I say in a stern voice to hind most of my fear. "Nothing much," he said looking around. "I heard about your little plan," he said looking at me.

"And what about it..?" I say looking back at him. I know he has to be planning something, "you know, I can help you," he says trailing off. "What do you mean?" "You know, with the body. Don't you need one in order to bring Mitsuba-kun back?" He said. I stay silent for a moment. "So, do you want my help or do you have another way to get one?" Asked the runt. I mean I don't really have any other options, I don't have anywhere else to get a human body from. "Fine,I'll take your help.." I say with a sigh. "Great, but there is something you have to do for me in return," "And what is that?" I asked. "You'll see.."

Ok that took way to long-
Idk I just got some random burst of energy to finish this, Right before I go to bed- i don't really have anything else to say but this was a bad idea because I feel very lightheaded and nauseous. Oh well, I hope you liked this because the second part might take a while. Any ways Byee byeee!!!!!!

Words : 1470

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