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Magi's POV

Monday 7 pm (Near Hotel Rosen Plaza)

Tom brought me to a 5-star restaurant, I didn't really dress nice since I didn't brought clothes that are 5-star restaurant worthy. I just wore a tucked in loose white tshirt, black mini skirt, and a brown converse. Tom was sitting down in front of me his face resting on his palm while focusing flipping the menu, I adore his sweet innocent face. I couldn't believe I'm on a date with him, however... he didn't really talk to me on the way here, he just held onto my wrist tight and wouldn't let me go until we got here it's like he didn't want me to get away. "Hey is something wrong?" Tom snapped his fingers in front of me, I was lost in thoughts... "No, I was just spacing out sorry." I forced my smile, "So how long have you known your members?" He pressed his lips together.

"Well, Violet and Mason... I've known them for 6 years now, we went to the same school. But Klara I've known her for only a year now." I glanced at him, "I'm sure you've known your members your whole life right?" I asked

Tom's POV

"Mhm, we started altogether." I raised my eyebrows, I studied this girl's face how soft her features are. Her eyes twinkled as she made eye contact with me, shit. I shouldn't have taken her on this date.

"You're going out? You know we're being followed right? And you're going out?? Are you fucking out of your mind! You're just gonna get another girl killed!"

Bill's words replayed on my mind, fuck. I didn't think it through, I'm just gonna get another girl killed because of my selfishness and satisfactions.

As she was looking through the menu, I felt a gun on my right jaw. "Hey lover boy." A familiar man voice said as he cocked his gun. I kept my focus on Princess and fear crossed her face as she was looking at the man sitting beside me. "Oh my, were you on a date missy?" The man asked princess. She couldn't answer, I moved my leg over to hers and I could feel her trembling. "Don't fucking move Kaulitz or I'll shoot the missy in front of you." The man forced his gun deeper in to my jaw, fuck! I should've listened to Bill. These people here are too busy to notice that I'm being held captive, useless fuckers! "Did you know you're going to be one of the girls I'll kill because I can't get a hold of this man right here?" The man maniacally laughed, "Oh so it is you, Yoshida." I scoffed and fidgetted on the spoon on my hand. "Of course, who else would it be??" He scoffed "Why are you here? This isn't Japan, Yoshi." I said

"Revenge for killing most of my gang." He whispered through my ear, "Also for stealing my girl Klara." He laughed, "K-Klara?" Princess mouthed, her tears fall down her cheeks and she wasn't moving. She was in a state of shock, "She's crying! Tom you made another girl cry again!" The man said.

"Let's talk about this Yoshi." I whispered, I wasn't scared for myself. I was scared for Maxine, she got involved because of me. "Of course! Entertain me! Or rather Missy will entertain me in the bathroom." He said, Maxine shut her eyes. Her lower lip quivered. "Don't touch her Yoshi, or I'll end you." I snarled

"Put the gun down," a familiar voice said, the gun forced onto my jaw slowly left. "Tom get the girl and get the fuck out." I turned to my right and see Bill pointing the gun on Yoshi's head. I nodded, I immediately stood up and took Maxine's hand and left, people started running as they saw Bill pointing a gun at Yoshi. I looked back to see Yoshi had his hands up still being held hostage by Bill. I looked at Maxine who still had terror on her face, We got outside of the restaurant and rushed to my car "Get in Maxine!" I opened the car door for her and went around to the driver's side started the car and immediately left as soon as possible. "Wh-what was that? What does he mean you stole Klara? My Klara?" Her voice trembled, I sighed and looked at her "I'll explain it to you later. Bill just texted me, he said Yoshi got away and to meet up with him." I held onto her hand and she was still shaking.

What have I done?

-chapter ends


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