Prom date (Alex Summers)

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Genre: fluff
Context: Y/n and Alex are very good friends, but y/n has a crush on Alex and when a prom comes up it gets interesting. (Also Alex is ca. as old as Scott in this)
Warning: swear words

I woke up from sun rays beaming through my window. It's summer, my favorite season, plants are green and blooming, the sky is bright and the wheater's warm, but it also means that it's summer break soon and there's a prom it's actually the first time there's a prom at school.

Charles decided that there should be a festive end for the school year, so we're having a prom and planning it was exhausting you may think it might be easy due to having powers like mind reading or so but some make it definitely harder.

I am on the planning committee with Jean, jubilee and also Scott but he is in the committee to annoy us so.
Well the prom is tomorrow and with all the stress of planning I forgot to find a date. It's not a wonder nobody ask me I haven't been really talkative or very extroverted, because I had so much to do with school and the prom and I also have been helping Raven training younger students so free time is a word I forgot it's meaning of. I spent some time with Jean cause she's my roommate that's it.

It's Friday and luckily I don't have any classes so my mission today is finding a date.
„Hey y/n, you're awake already" I heard my red-headed roommates voice, ripping me from my thoughts
„Yeah, wasn't by choice" I said followed by a yawn
„makes sense" she commented smiling.

I stood up from my bed and headed straight to my closet to find something to wear and after a minute of blankly staring at my closet I turned around „I give up, I have nothing to wear, there's no way I'm going to find a date to prom today" I exclaimed resulting Jean to look up from her book and looking at me in a mix of confusion and amusement „what do you mean your closet is full of clothes and despite that you could just go and search for a date like this" she said pointing at me standing in my Pyjamas „you think you're funny, huh"

„No I think I'm hilarious. But it's not a lie I could Name at least one person that would date you like this" she said raising her eyebrows I know exactly who she's referring to „Alex" she said after a long pause grinning at me.

I most definitely have the biggest crush on Alex and I was a 100% sure he don't likes me back, „Well I can't ask him we're friends and it would ruin our friendship, and if he would've wanted to go to prom with me he could have asked me" I spoke a little disappointed.

On jean's face a grin formed it almost looked mischievous „why are you grinning?" I asked her a little supspisious „I know from a safe source Alex had planned to ask you to prom and he tried but backed off because „you seem so uninterested in hanging out with him"" she told me.

I was in shock he wanted to ask me and the next thought rushing trough my mind was what she said last and it made me realize I haven't talked to Alex in a while. did he thought that I wasn't interested in him.

I grabbed something to wear from my closet, threw it on and brushed through my hair roughly „I have to go" I said to jean while almost running out the door. With the last thing I heard being jean laughing. I ran trough the entire school trying to find Alex I ended up finding him in the garden under the big tree. I was out of breath and panting when I arrived there.

Alex turned around and definitely heard me running there „y/n, is everything okay, did you ran here?" he asked me confused „yes" was all I could say out of breath I then sat down where Alex sat under the tree to catch my breath he looked at me with confusion.

Until I stood back up and started talking „you think I don't want to spend time with you?" I said with a sad expression „I know you had a lot of things to handle over the past weeks I understand that you didn't had the time spent it with me" Alex explained which made me only sadder before I said anything else I pulled Alex into a hug. „you are important to me Alex" I spoke quietly while still hugging him tightly „I know and you're important to me too" he replied just as quiet.

Hearing him saying that I was important to him made my heart beat twice as fast, I knew I had to tell him what I felt. I pulled away from the hug so I could look at Alex „Alex, I- I care about you a lot and especially this right now makes it obvious for me that I like you more than just as my friend and that scares me cause our friendship is one of the most important things in my life and I can't imagine losing it." I exclaimed rather quickly leaving Alex with a shocked face and me with no idea of it's meaning and just when I wanted to begin my next sentence I felt Alex's lips on mine.

It would be an understatement to say I was anything but shocked it took me a second to even understand the situation and then It was over, he looked at me and I smiled from ear to ear and instantly kissed him again. I could have bursted of happiness. The kiss wasn't very long before we broke apart.

There were still questions left „so does that mean you feel the same?" I asked a little confused, he smiled „absolutely" he exclaimed happily kissing me again, making me smile into the kiss. After the kiss he looked at me asking me „so now that we're a thing would you want to go to the prom with me?" „well I'm not sure you know I actually have some options with who I go" I said jokingly and chuckled at my own joke, he smiled at my unfunny joke „I'd love to" I said softly.

Back in my room, having Jean still laughing at my actions. Nothing could have washed the smile on my face away. „So now you have your prom date?" Jean asked pointing the obvious out „Yes, finally" I replied dreamily „and what about a dress?" she asked me like it also just came into her head and I stood there in pure terror having my smile vanish into a expression full of panic „Fuck"

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