Mutant and proud (Raven Darkholme)

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Genre: fluff
Context: y/n has been friends with Charles and Raven for years now and is hopelessly in love with Raven

I have known Charles for some years now, meeting him in college was probably one of the best things that has happened to me, cause it was the first time in my life I felt like I found people, that just like me were mutants making me feel included and of course through him I met Raven. It didn't took me a long time to realize that I like Raven more than just as a friend and it also didn't took very long for Charles to notice it, he said it's very obvious that I have a crush on her, well it's obvious for everyone except for her.

Charles, Raven and I currently are in England for Charles lecture at the university and it was actually very interesting to listen, at least for me cause Raven, who sat next to me was noticeably bored and distracted, nevertheless I'm sure she didn't really listen and was thrilled for it to be over.
„hey, Charles" I greeted when the lecture was over and he walked towards me and Raven „hey, did you guys like the reading?" Charles asked us „yes, I think it to was very extensively" I replied smiling at the thought of Raven almost falling asleep during Charles lecture „what she actually wanted to say was that it was to long and therefore kinda boring" Raven spoke a little tired „thanks very much Raven for your nice words" Charles replied sarcastically „now let's go and get some drinks" he continued talking „absolutely" I beamed at the same time as Raven exclaimed a happy „hell yeah"

At the bar all three of us sat at the table laughing and drinking 'till Charles walked over to the bar to order something and got distracted by a women, probably using his usual mutation pick up line. It annoyed Raven every time he did this „let's ruin this for him, shall we" I said standing up, followed by a smiling Raven standing up exited to ruin Charles flirt. Seeing her smile makes my heart flutter every time without exception. We walked up to Charles his expression turning annoyed quickly."hey there" I greeted Charles „these are my friends Raven and y/n" he explains to the women sitting next to him she turned towards us „Charles just told me about my mutation it's cool right" she pointed at her eyes "mutant and proud" the women cheered proudly. I knew the second she said that how much it annoyed Raven, I weren't even quite sure why of course it was insensitive of her to say that but she clearly doesn't know about having an actual mutation but sometimes it even fells like it's more the fact that Charles flirts with someone and less something else. It makes me feel insecure about my feelings for Raven believing she would never like me, the worst thought of that kind for me always was what if Raven was in love with Charles, but Charles explained to me that that's an absurd idea, some times it doesn't seem so absurd but anyways I promised him to stop thinking that.
It happened quickly that Raven changed the color of one of her eyes, I didn't even realized it until the women Charles talked to said „ you also have heterochromia" in Raven's direction making Charles and me look at her confused "I'm really sorry, but we have to leave, regardless it was very nice to meet you" Charles said to the pretty women "no problem, it was nice meeting you too, bye" she said her expression confused cause of the sudden departure of us, "Goodbye" Charles and I spoke before leaving having Charles dragging Raven out of there madly "why the hell did you did that, Raven?" Charles asked "you know how dangerous it is" he continued ranting as we walked to our hotel "what I can't control it, it just happens" she defended herself only earning an unbelieving huff from Charles.

Back at the hotel
Charles and I sat on the couch Charles worked on something and I was reading a book, it wasn't really interesting, but that didn't matter I couldn't concentrate on it anyway the words in front of my eyes got more and more blurry with time until I put the book down and stared into space
"Mutant and proud" I heard Raven mumbling in the bathroom, she walked into the room echoing herself "Mutant and proud" she paused for a second "what does that even mean, how could I be proud of this?" She said referring to her blue appearance curiously. Charles didn't even look up from his work asking "proud of what", "my mutation" Raven spoke defeated, I was looking at Raven wondering what I could say to her I didn't even formed a sentence before she continued talking "I mean who would date me like this?" She blurted out, followed by a "would you date me?" Which was a little confusing due to that it wasn't clear who she asked  Charles or me, there was a second of curious silence until Charles spoke up "Right, y/n would you date Raven?" Charles asked with a mischievous smile on his face. Now both of them were looking at me, I felt my face heat up and my heart pounding against my chest I panicked what could I say without it being weird "Of course" I said as quietly as possible hoping they would even hear it "you would?" Raven asked her expression seem happy, was she happy about it? "Yes, you're my favorite person" I said honestly wondering if that sounded strange "I try not to feel offended by that" Charles muttered next me and Raven, who looked at me shocked by my words "really?" "Yeah" I assured her "you're my favorite person too" she spoke looking at me "that's hard not be be offended by" Charles joked not even earning an acknowledgment for his joke "I- ahm I leave you guys alone for a moment" he said as he stood up and left the room leaving us alone I was incredibly nervous not really knowing how to act cause even though just staring at Raven was nice but kinda awkward "I like you a lot" Raven admitted breaking the silence "I like you a lot too" I smiled, putting my hand on the side of her face brushing over her skin slightly "you are beautiful, Raven" I told her softly "you're beautiful too" Raven added, I leaned in to kiss her and Raven did the same our lips meeting, making my heart explode with happiness and Raven smiling into the kiss letting me know that Raven was happy too. We broke the kiss and both of us started smiling uncontrollably, breaking into chuckles not really being able to find words to talk about the happiness we feel. The door opened and Charles walked in only mumbling "finally, it took you guys long enough." sitting back down on the couch, to continue working on his lecture, making me and Raven laugh even more.

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