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I would like to start off by saying my deepest apologies for not saying anything during this time or updating any stories during that time that had passed. I would like to apologize sincerely to all of you who have waited for so long and never received an update.
Today, I wanted to write to you all about why I have not updated anything during this time period that has passed. 
I want to start out with the questions I have been receiving in direct messages, comments and etc. 

"Did you quit writing the story?" "Did you quit writing in general?"

No, I have not quit writing 'My Lotus Flower', 'MY SIN' and 'FOLIE'. And I do not plan on quitting writing as a whole, I have decided to take a break and improve my writing skills in general. This occurred when I received some comments about the progress of the story and the characters development. This was a comment I received for 'My Lotus Flower', I would like to sincerely apologize if the story seemed overwhelming and just not a development anyone was wanting. After doing some deep thinking about the story and myself, I realized that I was projecting some harsh feelings into the story that were not helping the storyline. My goal was to give a heartfelt story so everyone could enjoy and feel like they would want to see the story going but after reading the story myself during the time I was out. I saw how the storyline started to become very emotional and painful due to the sad scenes and the characters ongoing trauma and present actions. By the way, I will be taking down the story as a whole but from now on I will be doing my best to give you all a story that is heartfelt, memorable and something one would enjoy. 
During the time I was gone, I decided to improve my writing by practicing with word structures and also how to set a storyline without falling off of it. I also wanted to say that during the time I was writing 'My Lotus Flower' I was going through some stuff that caused me to project some sad scenes and no character development. And still now, I have been on a limbo on my emotions and that is why I have not updated at all because I really want to bring my idea for the storyline to life without adding an immense number of sad scenes. 

"Why is 'My Lotus Flower' so depressing?"

I got this question a lot and I would like to say that some of the scenes in 'My Lotus Flower' was intended to be depressing. I wanted to cover the story of someone who's trauma seems to get in the way of love and reconnecting with people you used to love dearly including the miscommunication between sacrifice and bad decisions. Many asked about the Xiao Zhan's character development in 'My Lotus Flower' and I would like to say that some of the emotions of Xiao Zhan were intended to be sad and depressing due to his trauma in his childhood and how losing people in his life caused him so much damage. Xiao Zhan's character development is slow due to this trauma as trauma is not something that changes in an instant but needs time to heal and that is why I wanted to address this as I received many direct messages and comments on the depressive atmosphere.  Also, Wang Yibo in 'My Lotus Flower' was intended to be one who would do anything for someone he loves dearly, and I got this idea from many kdramas, cdramas, jdramas and webtoons that I read previously to writing 'My Lotus Flower'. My intentions for this story were to fulfill the reality that trauma takes toles in the lives of one who has suffered too much for way too long, I actually researched beforehand on trauma and how psychological it is. That is why I decided to do this, but I now realized that I added too much realism to the story rather than making it more fun and also realistic at the same time.

"Will you ever continue the stories you have now?'

I got a direct message on this and I also wanted to address this as many would probably have this question in mind and my answer is 50/50. For MY SIN and My Lotus Flower, those are the stories I plan to produce as much chapters as possible while FOLIE is on the 50/50 scale as to the storyline itself. When writing My Lotus Flower, I took an interest in an idea that came into mind and I decided to go ahead with it and it made FOLIE. But the issue was the theme and plotline of FOLIE as I knew that My Lotus Flower was going to have a lot of sad scenes, FOLIE is a story that I have not done before and so going into it was already hard itself, but I wanted to push myself and try new things. Well...... let's say it was not like that as during this time I started to have some things happening in my life, but I ignored them and continued writing until I decided to halt everything due to school.
Everything slowly came into my mind, and it took a toll on me which caused me to stop writing FOLIE then MY SIN then My Lotus Flower. I basically added my sad feelings to My Lotus Flower which caused it to be more depressing than what it actually was supposed to be, My Lotus Flower had happier themes between the chapters of 10 to now but due to my emotions taking a toll over me. It cause me to add scenes that were not supposed to happen and the themes in these chapters ended up being sadder which was not planned but during the writing process I went through hard emotions.
I would like to continue apologizing as I ended up adding my own feelings to My Lotus Flower, recently I decided to practice more on my writing style and how I will unfold storylines without adding personal feelings. 
I learned so much and now I am prepared to continue writing but, in the meantime, I would like to tell you all the schedule where everything will begin. I am a person that likes routines and so following a new routine I have would make it easier for me to produce more chapters for my stories.

I will now be uploading on these days based on the story-

My Lotus Flower (Starting May 6)

Every Saturday & Wednesday

MY SIN (Starting June 18)

Every Tuesday

FOLIE (Starting June 5)

Every Monday

This will be the schedule I will follow for the meantime as I am just starting to upload again.

If I could bow down to each one of you who have waited patiently, I would do it.

I will better myself in my writing skills and uploading will increase.

That is why I made this post to update you all on what has been happening and the cause, but I will show all of you the better me. 

Thank you and I love you all ❤️

Sincerely, SEO YXON

My Lotus Flower (YiZhan FF)Where stories live. Discover now