Chapter 4

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... Laurent sat in his chair and carefully ignored Larry. And he barely made it. It turned out to be difficult to ignore a person who takes up so much space in his life. Lyla, hiding her joy that Larry and Laurent's relationship had moved forward, tactfully left the studio as Larry entered. The girl prayed for these two. They deserved to be happy.

Laurent knew what Larry wanted. He was sure that the ex-husband noticed a spark in his eyes when he saw Larry with his daughter in his arms.

- Say it. - Larry's soft tone made Laurent's heart skip a few beats. - I want to hear, Laurent. And I'm not going anywhere until we talk. So talk.

- I fell in love with her as soon as I saw her. I fell in love with you with her in your arms a second later. - Laurent said in a broken voice. - She entered my heart like a lead bullet and stuck there forever. The baby looks so much like you, - Laurent barely whispered the last words. Larry almost missed them.

- I have only one question for you now, and I want you to answer it honestly. Larry caught Laurent's eye. - Do you love me? - Larry noticed how Laurent's pupils dilated, and his eyes filled with love.

- Yes. - Simple and clear answer. No more extra words.

Larry sat on the sofa, covering his face with his hands, hiding his tears in them.

- Then why are we going through this? Why do we deserve all this? So much pain. And why did you leave me? - Larry looked at Laurent, barely holding back the torn sobs. He was looking for answers to so many questions. Laurent slowly walked over to the sofa and fell on his knees in front of Larry, gently squeezing his hands. - Why did you decide that I would be happy without you? Why did you think I'd be fine if I didn't have you in my life?

- Because I can't handle it if I really lose you. I can't get over this, Larry. I can't live without you in my life. I still couldn't deal with Alex's death.

- Then why did you think I could? We could just go to a psychologist! But instead, you just left me. As if all those years spent together meant nothing to you. - Larry sighed in frustration, turning his face away from Laurent. - I just wanted to be with you. And I still want. - Larry looked seriously at the man in front of him. He was going to ask the most exciting question for himself, and the most terrible. That question, the answer to which will probably break his heart. - Laurent, is there anyone in your life right now?

- Yes. - Larry pulled away abruptly, trying to get as far away from Laurent as possible. But Laurent pressed Larry's hips against the couch with his body, hugging the man. - You are in my life. - Larry stopped escaping from Laurent's arms like a wild animal. - Only you. Even though we are divorced.

- Then let's go home to our daughter? - Laurent stared blankly at Larry. - Let's go to our little girl, who has been waiting for dad from a trip for three years, - Laurent again could not restrain his emotions and, choking on his own tears, put his head on Larry's knees. - Every evening I told our princess how her father, the prince, lost his heart, which there is so much love for her. And dad went on a dangerous and long journey in search of his heart, to return to his beautiful daughter and give her so much love like no other in this big world. - They both wept, pouring out their hearts. Spilling out the pain, resentment, and grief of the past years. Larry gently cupped Laurent's face in his hands and ran his thumbs over his cheekbones, smearing the incessant tears. - Come to our house, my love, my life, my heart, my everything. Let's go home to our beautiful daughter and tell her how her sweet daddy found his heart and will always be by her side.

Laurent innocently looked at Larry's beautiful face and could not understand what he had done so wonderfully in his life that a man with such a big heart fell in love with him.

- I already told you once that I won't let you leave me. I won't let us be without each other forever. We love each other and belong to each other. You have no other husband and never will. Only me. - Larry carefully stroked the rim of the ring on Laurent's finger. It looks like a simple platinum ring, but if you find out more, it had a long history and a rich past.

- I don't need another husband! - Laurent slowly and uncertainly approached Larry, leaving on his lips the most innocent and modest kiss he was capable of. So Larry, a second later, greedily dug into Laurent's lips. They were hungry for each other. By their passion, love, disputes, tenderness, by feeling each other.

- You didn't take off the ring. - Larry said softly, still basking in Laurent's arms. - Why? - Laurent smiled tenderly, looking into the curious face of his love.

- It seemed that if I took it off, I would betray my feelings for you. As if it would ruin the small chance that we could ever be together again. Why didn't you take it off? - Laurent brought the brush to Larry, leaving a long kiss on his fingers.

- I never believed in our divorce. And I just hoped that our separation would end soon and everything would fall into place. – Laurent hugged Larry even tighter, leaving a scattering of kisses on his face. They laughed through their tears, feeling happy and relieved after these three years.

Larry suddenly pulled away from Laurent. Laurent looked at Larry puzzled.

- I want to see where you lived all this time. - And judging by Laurent's pale face, Larry realized that his suspicions were not at all unfounded. - Objections are not accepted.

Earlier in their relationship, Laurent made the decisions most of the time. Larry allowed him to be the head of their family, but now, the moment, this position was taken by Larry. And all Laurent had to do was obey.

... Larry was right in his suspicions. Laurent moved into their old little apartment, where they lived until they got married. There was no furniture left in the apartment.

Laurent's kitchen and office were fully furnished. In the bedroom, there was only an air mattress, a clothes hanger, and a chest of drawers for all steel items. There was no other furniture to sit and eat on. The living room didn't even have a coffee table, let alone a sofa.

Larry looked at Laurent with a reproachful look, Laurent just didn't know what to do with himself.

- Laurent, why didn't you make a place for yourself?

- I'm fine as it is. If you are not next to me, everything else loses its value and meaning.

Larry just closed his eyes, trying not to cry again.

- What a fool you are. Do you think I need something other than you?

Larry slowly approached Laurent.

- You - a step - a person whom I fell in love with at first sight - one more step - I will love you until death - one more step - and even after it. - Larry went to Laurent and put his arms around his neck, pulling him closer to him.

It was their third kiss in five years. The mere touch of lips ignited a sheaf of electric sparks. Inflammation from within. Passion, tenderness, love, fears and doubts, disappointment, and boundless love mixed between them forcing them to cling to each other like a lifeline, starting their hearts into a frantic rhythm.

Along the way, Laurent led them to his mattress, helping Larry get rid of his clothes, not caring where they landed. It didn't matter. The person in his arms is important. So brave and so loving. Which he may not have deserved, but for some reason he is with him now. And always...

The men lay in bed under a fluffy blanket, embracing contentedly. Larry lay on Laurent's chest, listening to his heartbeat and drawing chaotic patterns on his skin.

- So I can't run away from you anymore?

- No chance. You cannot heal your heart alone. You can't pick up your broken heart while you're alone. You won't have enough shards. Me and our daughter, these are the pieces you're missing.

- You and our daughter are not pieces of my heart. You are my heart, without which I can never live.

- I love you. - Larry said softly.

- I love you, - repeated Laurent.

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