Chapter 6

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Laurent stood in front of the door hugging a large peach-colored bear, Larry tried to persuade his husband to knock on it for about ten minutes.

- Larry, I can't. She doesn't need me.

- God, Laurent! My love. She needs you.

- And if...

- Lauren, stop it. She already loves you.

Larry kissed Laurent tenderly as a distraction as he opened the door. Laurent did not immediately understand the intention of her husband.

- Larry! What are you doing?

- Nothing. Princess, Dad is home! Come to me, I have a surprise for you.

Laurent froze with a teddy bear in his hands, standing behind Larry. He is ready to merge with the walls of the corridor or run away at any moment, but Larry's strong hand squeezing his palm did not give him a single chance.

From the depths of the apartment came a lovely little girl, the same one that Laurent saw last time. The girl who made Laurent's heart beat so loudly that it drowned out all the sounds around him. Laurent sank into his daughter's large and curious eyes, so similar to Larry's. A rounded mouth with full lips and the makings of a bunny smile made the girl's face an exact, but sweeter copy. Laurent himself did not notice how he took a step forward and collapsed in front of her on his knees, still holding the toy ridiculously. She is beautiful, and Laurent was horrified at how he lived three whole years away from her. Lilo timidly took another step, and with the most serious face she could muster,

- Are you my dad?

Laurent lumped in his throat, he opened his mouth to speak his answer, but Lilo Nova beat him to it.

- You found your heart and returned to me?

Laurent carefully embraced his daughter, holding him tightly to him.

- Yes my love. I am your dad and I found my heart, so I came back to you. - Lilo put her small arms around Laurent's neck, resting her chin on his shoulder, and whispered in a barely audible voice:

- You won't leave us anymore?

- No, my love. I can't go anywhere without my heart, without my love for you and your dad.

They were all sitting in the living room. Laurent with her sleeping daughter in her arms, Larry and Lylah.

Lylah didn't know where to start talking about fathers and mothers. So I just started with the first thought in her head.

- Laurent, did Larry tell you about my offer? Do you want to legally adopt Lilo?

- I thought Larry was joking. Do you seriously want to waive parental rights to Lilo?

- Yes. I will still be her mother. And I know how important it is to you to be her father. I know about your loss with Larry, about this irreparable loss, and I want to help in some way.

- You're already helping. You gave birth to this beautiful girl and help Larry raise her.

- Laurent...

- I want this, Lylah. You have no idea how much I want to be her father in every aspect. But I can't ask you to. I simply do not have the right to such a request, it is too cruel to you. It's enough for me that Larry is her father and that he considers this princess our daughter, and Lilo calls me dad.

- You are sure?

- Yes. This is enough for me. I know what it's like to lose your child, Lyla. Although it's not the same. - Laurent smiled sadly. He looked at the girl in front of him with great warmth and gratitude in her eyes for all she had done for Larry. He gently squeezed her thin hands. - I don't want you to lose this right to be her mother. - Lylah continued to wipe the tears from her face as she reached out to hug Laurent. Larry was right when he said that Laurent is the best man imaginable. And he will be a great father to their daughter. But Lylah still wanted Laurent to feel like a full-fledged father and a cunning plan was born in her head.

It was already late at night, Lylah had long gone to her place, and Larry and Laurent, having laid their daughter in her bed, also went to bed.

Larry woke up in the middle of the night to find himself alone in bed. But Laurent could not leave him again. Laurent could not leave them. Trying not to believe the inner voice, Larry got out of bed and went in search of her husband. Laurent was found pretty quickly. He sat next to Lilo's bed and watched her sleep. Larry's heart sank. He was worried that Laurent wouldn't be able to take it. Will not be able to believe in himself and their family again. Larry quietly approached her husband and put a hand on his shoulder. Laurent immediately joined their palms tightly squeezing Larry's fingers.

- I don't believe Larry. - Laurent whispered.

- Do not believe? - Larry didn't quite understand what her husband was talking about.

- I do not believe that all this is not a dream. That our daughter is a reality. You are so strong. And brave. I can no longer be without you. Without Lilo.

- You don't have to. We are not a dream. Our daughter is not a dream. I love you, Lauren.

- I love you more, Larry.

Larry had difficulty coaxing Laurent back into bed. Larry needed Laurent too. His strong arms and hot body...

It's been almost two months since Larry and Laurent reunited and life couldn't be better. Laurent quickly completed all the necessary paperwork, and he and Larry again became legal spouses. It turned out not to be difficult. It turns out that Larry signed the paperwork incorrectly. And he couldn't say that he regretted his mistake. And Laurent's lawyer found a small loophole in the family law system, thanks to which Laurent was able to issue a guardianship obligation over Lilo. This will allow him to solve any problems that may arise in the future, and fully participate in the life of his daughter.

It's been almost two months since Larry and Laurent reunited and life couldn't be better. Laurent quickly completed all the necessary paperwork, and he and Larry again became legal spouses. And Laurent's lawyer found a small loophole in the family law system, thanks to which Laurent was able to issue a guardianship obligation over Lilo. This will allow him to solve any problems that may arise in the future, and fully participate in the life of his daughter.

And although everything was pretty good in their life, life gave them another surprise. More precisely, Laila made the spouses an offer that was difficult to refuse.

- What? Laurent was the first to come to his senses, he tightly squeezed Larry's hand to be sure that this was not a damn dream.

- I want another child. And I want one of you to help me with this. I like the atmosphere in which Lilo grows up. I like that I'm calm about my career and that I can see my daughter at any time.

- You're not kidding?

- No, Larry is not joking. I thought about it for a long time. Even before Laurent came back into your life. And at that time I had doubts, but now they are not. And I want to invite Laurent to become the father of my second child.

- What? ... Um... How? ...I'll have to go with you... - Lylah laughed, seeing a funny expression on his face, as if he was trying to hide disgust behind a mask of surprise, this sincerely amused the girl.

- No. You need to donate sperm and with the help of a procedure called IVF, they will impregnate me. This way we will have a second child.

Lylah was still having fun, looking at the long faces of the spouses. Yes, they turned out to be a rather strange family, but it turned out to be much friendlier and stronger than any other.

- I brought with me all the necessary forms to fill out the questionnaire. If you agree, then tomorrow we can go to the clinic for registration.

- I agree. - Larry stared at his husband in even greater amazement. Although much more surprising. - Before we had Alex, we wanted a lot of kids. At least two for sure. We did not agree on a more accurate number of children. And then our son died. For five years I hid in my grief and did not see anything around. I thought that Larry would be happy without me, I believed that there was nothing more I could do for him. But Larry, you've done more for me than I can imagine. And now I want to make you happy, as I once promised in our wedding vows. And the second child, the best gift that I can give you, my love. - Larry, after such touching words of Laurent, clung to her husband passionately kissing him, giving all the answers and promises for Laurent and their family.

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