Chapter 5

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Larry happily hummed some song under his breath stretched all over the mattress. He was deep in his thoughts daydreaming about Laurent's first real meeting with their daughter, so he didn't immediately hear the insistent knock on the door of the apartment. Larry narrowed his eyes suspiciously. They were not expecting anyone right now, and he believed Laurent, but his jealous nature allowed him to doubt for a moment. Laurent was in the shower and it cost him great willpower to refuse the seductive company of Larry. So Larry, proudly wrapping himself in a sheet up to his chin, slapping his bare feet loudly, went to open the door. And then he squealed happily, almost like a girl, when he saw Eleni, Laurent's assistant, on the threshold. He hired this girl years ago when he first set up his recording studio. Eleni went with him through all the difficulties and failures and remained faithful to him. And judging by the large fragrant package, Laurent managed to send her a message with an urgent assignment.

- Hi Larry, nice to see you again. - Eleni hugged the man happily. She laughed lightly as Larry's nose twitched at the smell of fresh buns.

- I'm also happy to see you! I missed you madly! - Larry didn't know what he enjoyed more, Eleni or the fresh buns from his and Laurent's favorite bakery. - And I told you a long time ago that it's time to leave this tyrant! - Larry smiled disarmingly. -He makes you buy buns and take them almost all over the city. This requires at least double payment. - Eleni smiled even wider. She missed Larry, his disarming charm and sincerity.

- I, too, dear. I'm glad you reconciled. He wasn't himself without you.

- And you brought us food again, like in the good old days?

- Yes, for me it's just a joy. Plus, Laurent gave me a paid day off for today. So, once again, thanks to you, my working day ended before it even began. - Eleni handed Larry a package. They hugged once more before Eleni left and Larry closed the door and stuck his nose into the bag. And then he pulled it out. Laurent stood with his towel tied around his hips, rubbing at it, rubbing his twisted hair, and chuckling softly. More than 12 years have passed since they first met, they are both over thirty years old, and Larry is still the same. An opened bag of food and a glance of a caught child with a hand in a cookie jar.

They ate in bed like they hadn't done in a long time. They both missed those moments in the morning. They both missed the presence of a child between them.

And now there is him, there is Larry and fresh buns from their favorite bakery. And they are together again. And maybe this time it will be different.

- Larry?

- Mmm?

- How do you and Lylah raise your daughter?

- An accidental child, Lylah did not know what to do when she became pregnant. A career has just begun to take shape, and then there is pregnancy. And I offered to raise the child. Helped with renting an apartment next to me. Lilo mostly lives with me, sometimes her mother takes her, and sometimes we spend evenings together.

- And guardianship?

- I'm listed on the birth certificate as her father. Leela and I are on equal footing. But... Lylah agrees to give up legal parental rights so that you can adopt her.

- Why?

- She knows our history. Lylah knows about your past and about Alex and how it all came to be. It was not by chance that Lylah got into your musical company. She wants to give up her parental rights so you can adopt the Princess. - Larry looked into Laurent's eyes trustingly, trying his best to show how much he wanted this and how serious he was.

- God. I don't deserve all this. And Lylah can't just give up her baby for me like that. - Laurent settled comfortably on Larry's chest, hugging him across his stomach.

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