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- And don't even think about coming back to our bedroom tonight! - Laurent, standing in the hallway at the door to his bedroom, grimaced at the voice of Larry, who switched to ultrasound. And why yell like that? But he did not even have time to say a word in his defense, because his pillow flew right in his face. After confirming that the pillow had hit its mark, Larry slammed the bedroom door loudly, cutting off any attempt by Laurent to clarify the situation. Shaking his head and hugging his pillow, Laurent sadly walked to his office.

He and Larry had hardly ever fought since the reconciliation. Their marriage has become stronger, and the family is larger. A year after Laurent returned to the family, they had a second daughter, they named her Mailina. Lylah continued her musical career, which only gained momentum. They have a strange, but very close-knit family, from time to time one of the three of them thought about a third child, but so far no one dared to start a conversation about it. Mailina is already four years old, and Lilo will be 8 years old in a month, so maybe this is a pretty good time for a third child...Laurent sighed...but not right now. Now Larry is going through another completely useless and groundless crisis of jealousy. Over the past five years, the name Yanis has periodically popped up in their conversations, but it has never been something serious. Yanis was afraid of Larry, although he was always nice and friendly with him, not showing a single emotion of discontent, only such behavior of Larry scared Janis much more, he would constantly cling to him for a week. Sometimes Laurent lingered in his work office, a couple of times he came from business dinners later than Larry promised. And sometimes I corresponded with Yanis or called up, but all this communication ended with a working process. Laurent never once allowed Yanis to find a loophole to penetrate his personal life. But still, he got caught when he did absolutely nothing. He was just at the birthday party of one of his performers. Laurent didn't even want to go to that party, but he was forced to. He specifically called Larry and invited him to go with him, but he could not leave his daughters with anyone. Laurent did not know that Janis would be there. And Laurent did not know that he was photographed in that club and, quite by accident, Yanis was dancing with someone from behind, a few meters from Laurent. And of course, while scrolling through his Instagram feed tonight, Larry saw this photo in his feed. And now he is probably sitting and pouting on their big and soft bed, childishly crossing his arms over his chest and grimacing. And Laurent will have to sleep on the hard couch in his office.

Laurent was sitting on the couch in the living room, trying to find something a little bit interesting on TV, when two small and curly heads appeared against the backdrop of a large flat screen.

- Why aren't you sleeping yet? - Laurent put down the remote and leaned forward towards his daughters. And then he chuckled at the stupidity of his question, their other dad was so loudly indignant and shouted that  "No one loves me in this house," and woke up the girls.

- Did you fight with Dad? - Lilo looked very serious and worried. She still remembered the moment when there were two dads in her life. She remembered how sad and lonely Larry's dad was, and now she wanted to know what was going on. Mailina was simply frightened by the quarrel of her fathers.

- Honey, you shouldn't be worried about that. Dad and I will take care of everything. – Laurent's words met stubbornly pursed lips and a serious look, with every year Lilo became more and more like Larry. Laurent sighed and smiled tenderly at his daughter. - We fought, but I promise we'll make up. Everything will be fine. It's just that your dad tends to exaggerate problems. Laurent stood up, picking up both daughters in his arms. - Now, young ladies, it's time for you to go back to bed, your mother is arriving tomorrow and you should be full of energy. - It took Laurent another half an hour to make sure the children were asleep. Leaving the children's bedroom, leaving the door ajar, he crept up to their bedroom with Larry, but there was not a single sound from behind the door. Laurent sighed again in disappointment and returned to his office. He wasn't in the mood right now, even just to watch TV.

He was lying on the sofa under a thin blanket on his back, throwing one arm behind his head. There were no thoughts in my head, just like sleep. But inside there was a persistent desire to return to the bedroom against Larry's desire. But before. Before Laurent had time to finish his thought, the office door quietly opened, letting in light from the corridor. Against this light, Larry's fluffy head appeared, and then himself. Laurent wasn't even surprised. If you count how many years they have been married, you get something like 16 years, and during all this time Laurent was expelled from the bedroom about 10 times, sleeping anywhere in their apartment or house, at his discretion. And Larry himself came to sleep with him, a couple of hours after the expulsion. He always sneaked in quietly, like a criminal. Silently he approached the sofa, lifted the plaid, and stretched out beside him, wrapping himself in Laurent's arms like in his favorite blanket. But now there was a special case. Laurent had already left him once. And now Larry needed confirmation that this would not happen again.

- You should never be bothered by Yanis.

- But he was...

- Yes, he was in that photo, but a few meters away from me. When you and I got our marriage back, I got Yanis to sign a new contract. If he violates personal boundaries, then a whole list of harsh measures awaits him. According to the contract, he cannot bother me with his personal feelings, as well as influence your emotional susceptibility, that is, cause you to specifically feel jealous and insecure in our relationship with you.

- You seriously forced him to sign this? - Larry rose in horror, leaning against Laurent's chest.

- Yes. I did it. He also enjoys working with me.

- Is that what you wanted to tell me while I was kicking you out of the bedroom?

- Yes, my love. Exactly this. And also, it's stupid to make such scandals when we just put the children to bed. - Larry hid his face in embarrassment on his husband's chest. Laurent only smiled gently as he scratched his husband's head. Larry always did things first and thought later. Laurent loved this in his husband because it was thanks to this that Larry became his husband. If Larry had not succumbed to emotions one day but had begun to seriously consider his decisions, then they would have gone to their moment for a long time.

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