3-Can't Touch This

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Here she was again. In my damn seat. Looking as sexy as ever. Even though I only met her once.

I told her to get up hoping to see that fire like yesterday, but she just ignored me. I don't like being ignored. I laid my hand flat on the desk gettin' in her face. My eyes leveled with hers. They sparkled with annoyance.

"Why do you keep playing with me, huh? When I speak you do as I say." I said to her.

"My nigga, leave it alone about the seat, ard? And stop tryna boss me around. I don't give a damn who you are." She said rolling her eyes.

"You'll learn sooner or later who I am. And the next time you don't obey me, imma spank that pretty little ass of yours." I sat down in the seat from yesterday. She gasped at me.

"How dare you! You are so fucking disrespectful. My ass is not little."

"I thought girls liked being told their butt was small."

"I'm black. We pride ourselves on havin' the phattest asses. You on that white girl shit."

"Well you have the phattest ass I've ever seen." I smirked. Honestly her ass was perfect. I wanted my hands all over it. I wanted to bite it too. It looked delectable.

"That was the nicest thing you've said to me so far."

"Don't get used to it."

"Damn. Knew it was too good to be true." She shook her head.

Class was starting so we both shut up and paid attention. You know what they say; if you wanna be somebody...

Mrs. Henley surprised us with some actual work. She wanted to see what we remembered. Much of nothing honestly. So she gave us a packet to do and here's the catch; we do it in pairs. Here was my chance to talk to sassy more.

"Get closer." I told her.

"No nigga. I don't wanna be you're partner."

"Well you have no choice."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." She looked around and everyone had a partner. "Exactly. Get that sexy ass over here." I grabbed the leg of the chair and pulled her over. She held on for dear life like she was on a rollercoaster. So dramatic.

"Why you so aggressive?"

"It's in my nature."

"Whatever. So how we doin' this?" She asked talking about the work. "You wanna do a couple pages each and then give the answers?"

"How about we do each together."

"I don't wanna talk to you more than I have to."

"Why not. I'm awesome."

"No. You're the devil."

"Ouch!" I clutched my heart.

"Whatever. Let's get this shit done."

We started working together and although we argued - obviously - she was very smart. I didn't think she was dumb, but it was nice to know the extent of someone's intelligence. We were the third ones done thanks to us trying to decide who was right.

Class was over so everybody handed in the packets and soon the bell rung. We were leaving and I hung back so I could watch new girl walk out. Even in those jeans her ass fantastic.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked turning around.

"Admiring the view." I smirked.

"Whatever. Look, but don't touch."

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