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Sunday was a day of restin' and movies. We tried to get Eva to spend the night, but she said she really needed to get back home. Somethin' about strict parents.

Kierra decided to stay another week and go back home with my brother. Now I was really excited. My cousin and my brother were stayin' with me for a whole week! There was nothin' like being with your family.

It was Monday and all anybody was talking about was how Kiki knocked the shit outta Miranda. I saw her once in the hall and she looked fucked up. She had a giant bruise around her nose that had a bandage on it. She glared at me, but I stuck my tongue out at her. That bitch couldn't intimidate me.

I was at my locker getting ready for my next class. Bryson wasn't in class today and it kinda had me worried. I realized that he was a smart mothafucka. He got the best grades on anythin' he does. So him not being in class was like an alarm.

I guess I thought him up because he and Nick were walking towards me. Even though there were hella people in the hallway I could tell I was their destination. I wondered where Michael and Don were.

"Hey, Cleo." He said to me.

"Hello, Bryson. Hey to you too, Silent Bob." Nick only cracked a small smile and nodded his head. "What you want Bryson? Finally showed up, eh?"

"So you've been looking for me?"

"No. I just wasn't annoyed in class today, so I noticed your absence."

"Look at you. All articulate and whatnot."

"You know me. I like to surprise you every now and then. Keep you on your toes."

"Yeah? I like that you care about me."

"I never said I did."

"You didn't have to."

"Hey, Nick. Why won't you talk to me?" I really needed a change in conversation.

"He only talks when he has something important to say." Bryson answered for him.

I walk up to him, standing right in his face. He looked at me confused. I was gonna get him to say somethin'.

"So I'm not important, Nick? You just gon treat me like any other bitch huh? I thought we had something special."

I started to fake cry. I made tears come on demand. I even sniffles a lil'.

"Oh c'mon, man. Just say 'hi' to her. Look at that face." Bryson came behind me and pinched my cheeks.

Nick chuckled. "Hey." He had such a nice voice.

I jumped up and down clappin'. I turned high-fivin' Bryson. "Thanks Bryson. My day is complete."

"Glad I could help, Cleo."

"POPPY!!" I heard someone yell.

I knew that voice. He wasn't supposed to come until later. Or I wasn't supposed to see him 'til I got home. But he was here. Right now. Behind Bryson.

"TAE TAE!!" I screamed back. I ran to him jumping in his arms. I missed my big brother.

We hugged each other tightly. I haven't seen him in almost a year. That was too long to go without each other. We've been so close all our lives. Delontae, my other brother Brandon, Kiki, and I used to always hang together. Brandon was the oldest so he'd always look out for us. Of course me and Kiki were a handful, even at a young age. Although they were all older than me, they never left me out. I was always included. Good or bad. It was why we were so tight. When shit got rough we always had each other. Then shit went really rough.

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