Forbidden Thoughts 1/?(SCP Fandom)

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{OC x SCP-953}

(Mild Language)

[Medium/1580 Words]


"Holy fuck..." I whisper out loud the moment I get back to my quarters before promptly emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Today had been awful, far more so than usual. I thought I could handle seeing death after all this time but nothing could have prepared me for the gore-fest I was subjected to today.

What makes it so much worse is that it didn't need to happen what so ever-

Those sadistic fucking lab coats just wanted to give the lizard a snack! There was no research nor anything new learned by this. Just a bloody execution to satiate sick desires-

And I fear......I fear that this is the last straw for me....

I came here with the desire to protect and learn about the anomalies of this world. Instead....all I've seen is cruelty, to the SCP's and to their fellow man. This place is just rotten and truly, I don't believe it should stand. Today just stood as a testament to that and finally proved what I already knew long ago-

There is no future for me here-

I want to leave more than anything but I know it's impossible. This foundation doesn't ever release it's staff. You either die in service or they put a bullet in your head themselves-

This all brings me back to a 'plan' of sorts I thought out many weeks ago. A way to free myself and all the trapped beings here for good. It would probably get me killed in the worst way possible but It's the only option left for me...

Wiping my mouth of the bile, I stand from the toilet, now resolved fully for events of tomorrow. Whether I succeed and escape or die on the way out, I'll know that I tried....tried to cleanse the rot of this place for good.

-Mini Timeskip-

"Liam, you'll be stationed at SCP-953 today. The coats got more testing approved," My Commander states with a completely dead tone, something that I had yet to get used to in my time here.

"Yes Sir!" I respond before quickly exiting the office and jogging down the hall.

'SCP-953 huh....' I think to myself sadly as I continue through the winding passages. Truth is, is that while I do have a soft spot for all SCP's contained here, I'm even more partial to any of the more Human esque ones. It just seems like more than anything, they want to be free and live normal lives but are instead kept here and labeled as monsters.

But honestly....the real monsters are the fuckers in the coats-

With that last thought, I turn another corner and into view comes the containment chamber where I'm stationed.


"Here we go..."

Swiping my key card on the door, I wait as it slides open before stepping inside. Once in, I catch the cold eyes of two 'scientists' look my way before they dismiss me and go back to their conversation. I pay them no mind however and just move to my station, contemplating how I would go about my plan. I would of course have to start here with 953 so getting her out will be the first hurdle...

"Get the fuck in there!" A voice belonging to some no name guard snarls before a class D is shoved through the still open door. The man looks around in confusion and fear before the scientists get that sadistic look on their faces and move to pick him up.

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