Chapter 4

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Lol remember when I apologized for being dead? Doing it again lol, oops sorry


     Tsukasa woke up to the sounds of birds chirping outside his window. He grunted in annoyance before hoisting himself off his bed to turn off his obnoxious alarm. 'It's too early for this...' The blond thought to himself. He grabbed his phone and sighed, checking the time. 5:30 am, not bad. He set down his phone and got himself dressed into his uniform, trying to forget the awfully awkward encounter he had last night with Rui. He put his phone in his pocket and grabbed his school bag, walking out of his room and closing the door behind him. When he turned the corner, Saki was staring at him creepily, like she knew something he didn't. Then, her face brightened, "Oniichan, how are you this morning?" Tsukasa was a bit off putted by the strange stare, but collected himself, "Oh, I'm doing fine... why the intense stare?" Saki's smile downed a bit, but she tried to collect herself again, "Oh nothing! Anyways, what were you and Rui discussing yesterday?" Tsukasa walked down the stairs as Saki followed, continuing their conversation. "Well, he stopped by to drop off my script, apparently I left it at the stage." He set his bag down and made him and his sister some breakfast. Saki sat at the kitchen table and sighed, "Well, that was awfully long for just dropping off a script. What else were you doing?" Tsukasa cracked a few eggs into a pan and sighed, hoping Saki wouldn't ask that. He wanted to appear as a level-headed big brother, someone who doesn't very easily get enraged by just the mere sight of Rui. Even though Saki most likely already knew about how easily he gets irritated, he still has this small hope that Saki is ignorant to his mannerisms, "We were discussing our upcoming play, and I was rather enthusiastic about it, sorry if I was disturbing you." He chuckled before flipping the eggs, letting them cook until they were still cooked, but also runny. Saki rested her head on her arm and sighed, "Enthusiastic huh..." Her face instantly lit up as the eggs were served to her, completely forgetting about how suspicious she was of Tsukasa. "Thanks Oniichan!" She dug in instantly, much to Tsukasa's delight. He set the pan in the sink and began washing it. Had he forgotten to make himself something? Perhaps. He grabbed his bag and hugged Saki, before heading to the door, "Bye Saki, have a good day at school!" Saki smiled, "You too, tell your boyfriend I said hi!"

Tsukasa didn't hear that last part as he had already left, and it was probably for the better and the worst he didn't hear. On one hand, it would've soured his mood to hear that, but on the other hand, now he hasn't denied any allegations since he didn't hear them. As he walked to school blissfully unaware, he heard a familiar voice. "Oi, Tsukasa!" He saw a ginger boy walk up to him, and Tsukasa's face became both grim and happy at once, making this weird depressing looking smile? Akito backed off for a second to really see what the hell kinda look Tsukasa was giving him, but just shrugged it off and chalked it up to 'Tsukasa being Tsukasa.' He put his hand on Tsukasa's shoulder and sighed loudly, "Toya wasn't able to walk with me today, it's kinda lonely without him." Tsukasa was aware of Akito and Toya's relationship. After all, Toya was like his brother, how could Toya NOT tell him everything? Tsukasa chuckled before patting Akito's head lightly, "You'll see him soonish, you know how clingy he can get." Akito nodded and smiled slightly. The two were on good terms, but still found each other annoying from time to time. They weren't the best of friends by any means, but Tsukasa was glad to be around him (most of the time.) The two arrived at the school and Akito waved goodbye to his blond friend, before searching for his missing lover.

Tsukasa was left alone again, his thoughts were begging and praying not to run into Rui. But, unfortunately, he was not in God's favor today. While he was lost in thought, he wasn't paying attention and accidentally bumped into Rui. Tsukasa tumbled backwards, the now small pain in his leg from yesterday was not a huge help. Tsukasa closed his eyes and prepared for impact. But, before he could hit the ground, he felt an arm catch him. He opened his tightly shut eyes to see Rui looking down at him. Why the hell did Rui of all people keep him from falling? Rui would be the one to trip him in the first place! The purple haired man quickly brought Tsukasa to his feet. After he realized what he did, he started rubbing his hands off on his clothes, "You're welcome, Tenma. I suppose even obnoxiously loud people such as yourself don't seem to grasp the elementary concept of please and thank you." To be fair to Rui, Tsukasa had just been staring at him in disbelief without saying a word, but could Rui blame him? Tsukasa shook off his thoughts and huffed, "Sorry, I just didn't think you would and that caught me off guard. Thank you... I guess." Rui seemed pretty satisfied with this answer and walked off, leaving Tsukasa alone once again. Honestly, just to kill his boredom, he was a little tempted to catch up to Rui. He stood in place though, watching Rui exit the scene to a room which was his classroom. He walked to his own, which sadly was the same one as Rui's.

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