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Nia walked fast and almost ran to meet her man. Well, he was officially not her man. They had gone out for few dates but she already thought of him as her "man." He was so desirable and irresistible. He was funny, mischievous and handsome. To top it all, he seemed rich. He worked for some big shot businessman and he has a house in Mumbai. It was her dream city and she wanted to work there in the future. If she has a future with this guy, it would mean she has one less thing to worry - a house!

She hugged the cute guy and he took her in his embrace. Mumbai or not, house or not, what she was feeling for him was genuine. She genuinely liked him. However, she didn't want to come off as clingy and she controlled herself infront of him.

As they sat down in the restrobar, they chatted a bit. He told her how work is a bit hectic for him these days and so he comes here to cool off.

When Nia had met him for the first time at the hotel she worked at, he came off as a rude guy but the more he visited, she understood he was just a casual chill guy with a hint of arrogance which melts once people know him. Nia always thought he was a cute guy and used to look forward to meet him on the weekends as he usually came to the hotel on a weekend.  One day, coincidentally they were at the same club, when he recognised her and approached her. And since the past 2 months, they were taking it slow.

He saw her in a sour mood and asked her the reason.

"It's my roommate! She has been upset with me for two days straight just because I drank out of limit that day." Nia replied. It really bothered her that Pari was giving her the silent treatment.

When Nia had woken up the next morning, Pari gave her the best hangover food and drink, but didn't speak to her at all. Not even when Nia said that she will not drink so much next time.

"Why don't you just hold you ears and say sorry, you know like a child? May be she forgives you!" He just gave her a random suggestion but Nia actually liked it to consider it. Even though Pari doesn't say it, Nia knows that Pari loves her antics and tantrums. Over the period of a month, Pari had become a sister to her. Although Pari was a little b*tch, she was an honest person which was an important trait that Nia liked about her.

Nia smiled at the idea, "Hmm! Why didn't I think of this before? Thanks Kabeer."

"You are welcome. Although, I would like it if she remains upset with you. These days you talk a lot about her." He said, sounding a bit jealous. She hit his shoulder lightly. "Can't bear to have her upset with me. She is my muse for fashion projects and my little helper. You know she has Luna 2005 originals!"
Kabeer smiled a little knowing how obsessed Nia is with vintage brands.

"I can get you one, if you like!" Nia raised her eyebrows at his words.
"What?! No stop."

"I am serious. Just say the word." Kabeer shrugged. Although he knew the brand was expensive, but Nia was a cute silly girl. She was fun. He wouldn't mind to spend a little money on her.

Nia controlled her over excited mind and brought her rational side to the table and rejected his offer.

At the end of their date, he hugged and her and she asked him when they will see each other next. She always looked up to his next visit.

"Ummm. I don't know. I have a big project to look after but I will come once I find some free time." Kabeer replied. Nia gave him a little peck on the cheek and wished him the best.

Just like Nia thought, Pari smiled a little when she held her ears and apologised for going overboard with the drinks. Nia nudged Pari and said, "Now stop soaking the attention! I said sorry. Now forget this and talk to me life you did before." And Pari gave in. Nia talked a bit about her date and how her cutie pie, yes that's what she referred Kabeer as, gave her this idea. Pari made Nia promise that she wouldn't get this drunk and Nia swore on it.

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