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It's been six months since Pari started going to St. Fernandes College.  Thankfully, after the canteen incident, she didn't cause any more embarrassment to herself. The thing which surprised Pari about herself was that she actually liked going to college, unlike school which she always tends to avoid. The freedom from uniforms and the freedom to bunk classes was what made Pari happy. For the first time she felt life was set and everything is on track. Just two more years and she will be a graduate and financially  independent. She can't wait to have a proper job, earn and spend on herself! She already had a mental list of what all she was going to buy. She kept on adding more to this mental list after seeing things her rich classmates or girls in her college have. At the top of the list were a golden ring, a walkman and a branded purse!

It was night when Priya entered their shared room. There were two small rooms in their house. One was shared by the kids and the other room was shared by Pari's parents. Priya's mother slept in the living room. Priya always helped the ladies with washing utensils after the dinner or cleaning the floor whereas Pari helped whenever she was in the mood of cleaning.

Once Priya entered the room, she looked back to check if her mom aur aunty has followed her. She quickly closed the door. Pari knew that her cousin had some gossip to share. They only locked the door when they have a gossip to share. How much ever, they fight, at the end of the day, they were sisters who stuck with each other like a glue through everything.
Pari was excited to hear the latest news from Priya. Priya sat beside Pari on their small cot.

"I....I don't know how to tell you this." Priya said and Pari lightly hit her on her shoulder for this irritating line.

Pari rolled her eyes and said,"You wanted to tell me something that's why you locked the door. Now quickly tell me!"

"A guy proposed to me in college. He has asked me to go out with him at the fair in town." Priya shyly told Pari.
Priya was a cute girl with chubby cheeks, straight hair with a hint of brown to them. And the best part about her? She was really as innocent as she looked because of which Pari was a bit protective towards Priya. Her sister was a naive fool who would believe people blindly.

"Who is this guy? What is his name? How is he in studies? What does he want to do in life?" As expected, Pari became a detective and asked everything about the guy from Priya. Even Priya didn't have answers to some of Pari's question.

"Does he own a bike or a car?" Pari asked.

"I don't know so much. I have seen him go walking often. Also, he has asked me out on a date, not to marry him. Can you give a break to your questions?" Priya was confused by this question.

"Then you are saying no to him!" Pari declared the end verdict.

"Why?" Priya was disappointed with the answer!

"As if you don't know your mother! Even she will not approve of a boy who doesn't have a car or a bike."

"That's why I am telling this to you, and not her. It is not marriage. Just a date. Silly you." Priya really wanted to go to the fair in the town but she required Pari's support. She would feel she is doing right if Pari approves it.

"If things are not going to move ahead, why waste his time and yours! Say no and find a guy who is rich, has a car, is an engineer or a doctor." Pari advised her seriously.

"Are you my mother in Pari's skin?" Priya asked dumbfounded and scared.

"Shut up, stupid. I am Pari, not your mother."

"Then why are you talking like her? See, to date or to marry, certain things are very important. First being attraction or love, then comes trust. This car, bike, doctor, engineer....to be honest, it doesn't even matter. Yes, the boy needs to be decent and good human but profession is not so important." Priya said.

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