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"Get out right now, Tiger before anyone sees you here. And don't let know Salem know about Rhea and her mother. I will go away from here in the next few weeks. You can tell Salem you found me there." Pari ordered Tiger. There were only 2 people who could order Tiger. One was Saheb and the other was Pari. It was pointless to ask Tiger to hide anything from his 'Saheb' but it was worth trying. Tiger knows her location, which meant Salem would know it soon too. But if Pari could save Rhea and her mother, she would. 

"Doc did extremely wrong. There is no forgiveness for betrayers." Tiger commented. It took everything in him to not shoot Dr. Rhea for helping Pari run from home and hide her here. "After everything Saheb has done for her, she could still hurt him? She knows what you mean to him." 

"Fucking leave from here right now. There is no point talking to you." Pari showed him the door. 

"I am leaving and don't worry how much ever it angers me, I won't rat out the Doc unless Saheb asks." Tiger assured her and went towards his car and left. 



It was definitely one of the best day of her life. She couldn't get over the cheesy pizza and the beautiful sunset.

At dinner, Pari's family was shocked to see her happily eat the vegetables she barely tolerated. Usually, when there was french beans at home, she used to create a fuss about it, but today she ate it quietly. Even when Kabeer irritated her, she didn't yell at him but ruffled his hair.

Kabeer looked at Priya with raised eyebrows asking her what is the matter with Pari but she shook her head, not knowing anything.

It was more shocking when Pari didn't fight with Kabeer once for the TV remote or asked him to change the channel.

"Is she okay? Or someone exchanged Pari di?" Kabeer whispered to Priya who smiled at his words.

"Shut up. You have problem when she fights and now that she is quiet, you still have problem." Priya replied.

"No! Something is wrong. Pari di being peaceful and nice...impossible." Kabeer said, thinking of what is wrong with Pari.

"Tch! You are too much. She isn't that bad." Priya took her sister's side.

"Yes, she isn't bad. She is the worst! She doesn't let me watch TV peacefully. She is always fighting and hitting me." Kabeer complained.

"You too irritate her? Don't you?" Priya said.

"Huh! You always take her side." Kabeer pouted and continued watching his TV.

But he had a point. Pari was never quiet at the dining table. She would always find faults in food or had complaints about other things in the house. There was hardly a day when Kabeer and her didn't fight. So what was different about today?

Her parents and aunt didn't bother to think about this. They were just happy that Pari didn't create a fuss about things today.


In the morning, Pari ate her breakfast without a word and finished her plate. This time, her mother stared at her and the plate.

"What happened ?" Pari asked when her mother kept staring.

"Poha tha, beta." Her mother said.(It was Poha) "You ate it without complaint? Are you okay?" Her mother asked concerned.

Pari hated breakfasts like Poha and Upma which were often made at her home. She always insisted on variety in breakfasts but her mother and aunt said Poha and Upma are healthy and affordable breakfast options.

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