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Her steps faltered. She couldn't believe Salem was at her doorstep, in her house, amongst her family members.

She tried to dig her nails in her palm, deliberately hurting herself to see if this was all a bad dream but no, this was her reality, a true nightmare.

"I came here to talk, Mr. Sharma." Salem said earnestly.

Her father closed the door as Salem and Wajid walked into their house and took a seat.

Two men standing outside the Sharma household at such an odd hour would cause gossip amongst the society members if anyone saw it. It was better if things remained amongst the four walls of the house.

The atmosphere was silent yet tensed with no one speaking anything. The family was not stranger to Salem's identity. They knew he was the guy on the newspaper with their daughter. An image that could spoil their reputation.

Pari's father sat on the sofa infront of Salem and Wajid.

"I am sorry." Salem's apology was shocking, especially to Pari.

"I am sorry about what has happened. I should have known better. I should have been more aware about my surroundings and journalists following me around. Now that I am growing in my career, there are many who want to tarnish my image and I just gave them an opportunity by not being careful."

When Pari's father didn't say anything, Salem continued, "I love your daughter. We have known each other since college." He took a pause and continued, "I always wanted a relationship with her but she didn't accept it. I feel she shares the same feelings for me but just wants to be stubborn."

"After what happened last night and especially it being on the newspapers, my parents wanted me to apologise to her and the family."

"After knowing about my feelings for her, my parents want me to marry her. They wanted to come along. But I won't be able to take it if you reject the proposal infront of my parents. I would feel it is disrespectful to them. So, I came to talk to you." Salem put his heart out.

"Beta, I appreciate your honesty. About the situation, about your feelings. Very few people can express their thoughts so honestly." Pari's father said as he taunted Pari, looking at her. Neither was she honest about the situation nor her feelings. She didn't even accept it was her. Wasn't he able to teach her values, Pari's father questioned himself.

"But unfortunately, I don't think marriage is a good idea. There is nothing we know about you, except that you are an actor. You don't belong to our caste, nor our religion. Your lifestyle is very different than ours. I don't think it's something my daughter can adjust to."

"Uncle, I understand your concern. But you can ask me questions to clear your doubt. I really do like your daughter a lot. For me, nothing comes above that. My mother is a Christian married to a Muslim. I have seen how two faiths can merge at my home. I would never force her to accept something against her wish. I love her for her. Not for her status, her religion, her caste."

"It's easy to say so, Mr. Ahmed. But life is too long to be to able to abide such huge promises." Pari's father said.

"I am a man of my words. I won't force to accept another religion, if she doesn't want to. Nor would I avenge her or harass her for this. If I love someone more than her, it's my parents. My only expectation from her is to respect them. I would never tolerate disrespect against my parents, not even by someone I love." Salem said.

"I know this is all so sudden, uncle. But think about it, please. Here," Salem forwarded a paper with a number written on it. "Here is my mobile number as well as phone number. I may not pick up calls during my shoot. But my team will attend phone calls and I will call you back. I await your call and a positive answer." Salem folded his hands and got up alongwith Wajid to leave Pari's house.


"How dare you? How dare you show up at my house at such an hour? Actually, how dare you even show up? Never, ever step your foot in my house, Salem." Pari pointed her finger at Salem and said with extreme anger.

Salem looked at the finger she raised and calmly put it down, "Sweetheart, I don't appreciate the tone."

"And watch me enter your home as the son-in-law." Salem said with a smug expression on his face.

"Babe, look here," Salem made her face him, "Why are you upset? Isn't it good that I want to make it official. Or are you upset that you couldn't prove me as the guy who just wants to use and throw you?"

"Sweetheart, isn't it good that I want to make it official?" Salem asked Pari.

Pari had memorized the number on the chit left by Salem and called him the next morning, asking him to meet her alone. When she got there, Salem knew Pari was not going to pleased by his visit to her home.

"No! Did you ask me what I want? No, you landed up at my place with your marriage proposal. At my home also, they are deciding amongst themselves. Anyone of you even care about my opinion? Salem, I still don't trust you to marry you." Pari stated.

"You kiss people you are not sure of?" Salem asked.

"Shut up." Pari glared at him. All of them were questioning her actions. She had told her parents about not wanting to marry Salem but her parents questioned her about her actions.

She was shocked when even Priya didn't take her side.

"Why did you kiss him if you don't trust him, Pari?"

"Priya, I told you, just because I like him doesn't make him right. What if he doesn't stop going out with girls?"

"Then, just because you like him, you shouldn't have kissed him."

"Pari, you are on the front page for kissing a guy!! What do you want your parents to think? First, you kissed him. Now, you deny even making it official. Of course, they are not able to understand you and the complicated relationship." Priya had said.

Salem snapped her out of the thoughts by the click of his fingers and said, "let's make it official, hmm." She didn't reply but stood there stoic.

"Go back home, it's getting late, I will ask Wajid to drop you home." Salem ordered Pari.

"I will go on my own, not with him." Pari obviously didn't like Wajid after the chaos he created at the restaurant.

"Okay, not Wajid. Take Tiger with you." A tall lean young looking guy came forward. He looked like a college kid.

"This is Tiger?" Pari didn't intend to insult but he was 'Tiger' from no angle.

"Yes, take him with you." Salem said.

That was the first time Pari met Tiger, a loyal companion of Salem and became his bodyguard a few years later.

Tiger had wished her with his head down and a nod in acknowledgement, which continued to remain his habit even today.


Many discussions and fights happened at her home regarding the marriage proposal. Their biggest issue was the religious difference. Mr. Sharma had liked Salem's honesty. Salem was an actor, came from a relatively richer home, there was no need for him to come here and apologise, but he did! That's what he liked about him.
Ofcourse, he was angry to meet the boy who kissed his daughter. But, he couldn't blame only Salem for that, his daughter was equally responsible.
However, Salem took the responsibility and accepted his mistake, whereas Pari had straight up lied and even now, she just talks back to the family instead of being sorry.

"I think we should say yes to the marriage proposal. Who is going to marry her after that photo?" Pari's mom voiced out.

"Hmm." Mr. Sharma took a deep breath. His wife was right. Nobody would marry her if they tell the truth about the image. And they couldn't even lie about such a huge thing to a potential groom.

"Yes, you are right. I will call Salem and ask him to bring his parents. We should see how is Salem's family."


16th March 2024

Guys, sorry!!! I will try to update sooner.

Just some issues going on and my job is such that I only get time to sleep.

Good day everyone!

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