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One month later:-

It has been one month since Abhimanyu was in coma and arohi fled away with ruhi..since then they didn't got any news about her..everyone was just worried about ruhi and wanted to make sure that she is safe..

Akshara and Abhir used to go hospital daily to meet had become part of their daily routine.Abhir was about to start going to his new school but he was not happy as he wanted both of his parents to be present there but he had no idea when his father will wake up or if he will ever wake up from his deep sleep?He used to pray everyday for him
just like how his father used to pray regularly..hoping that one day God will answer his sincere prayers..but day by day he was loosing hope as for a 6 years old child it was too much..

   Akshara was again standing at a very crucial stage of her life..more than 6 years ago..her life turned upside down all of sudden and she didn't had any idea how to go further but slowly she made her other world with so much difficulty and after 6 years once again she had no idea where her life will take her..she was tired of these constant battles so much so that if it was just about her then she would have given up but now she was not alone..a child was dependent on her and whenever she used to see him her heart used to cry she and his father had planned to give their twins best of much future planning they had done for them but a storm came and took away everything including their one kid and they are still facing its affect.

   Sometimes she wondered what if that one day would have never come in their life then how different things would have been from present scenario..but it was just wishful thinking as she knew no can change past..or live in past..she has to think about present and future..but it was not easy..everyday ahe used to go hospital with Abhir in a hope that today maybe Abhimanyu will open his eyes but she was getting only disappointment and she can't even fall weak as she had to handle Abhir also..he had became so quiet after seeing his father like that so to divert his mind she requested Manish to admit him in school..atleast he could engage their for few hours and make new friends which will help him to come out of this pain..and finally Abhir got admission in the same school where his father had studied and from tomorrow he had to go but she could sense that he was not at all interested or excited for his new school and she can't even say anything to him..sometimes she feels so helpless and don't know how to handle these situations..that's why today she was sitting in front of God to give her some hope or guidance to handle and cheer Abhir..

   After sometime Abhir came downstairs as it was time for them to go to hospital..
He went and sat beside his mother and folded his hands too..

  "Shivji please make daddy open his eyes
he had slept for too long.I want to talk with him and ask him about my new school as it's his school also..tomorrow is my first day of school and everyone will come with their parents but I can't even
talk with him..this is not fair.." He said and tears started flowing from his eyes

  Akshara heard his sobbing sound and immediately opened her eyes..

  " Abhir what happened?? Why are you crying??" She asked and took him in her arms

  " Mamma..mimi said that God always
listen child's prayers then why he is not listening to my prayers?? I am not a good boy?? God doesn't like me??" He asked innocently with teary voice

  Akshara's heart broke into many pieces after listening him..she didn't know what to answer him or how to console him because she was doing it since last month and it was of no use and she didn't know what else to say...but soon she heard a voice from behind and Abhir broke the hug and looked towards that person...

   "Abhir God will definitely answer your prayers..he is just testing you and your you have to pass in his test then only he will grant your prayers but if you will loose hope in such a short time then you will fail in his just keep praying to will definitely be answered"manjari made him understand

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