Friends and foes

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"My lady?" A gruff voice said. A gentler but less kind voice replied. "It seems our ... friends have tried to hide with the druids. But they forget that no matter where they hide I WILL find them. I can sense the magic. I can sense HIM." The guard shivered. Her bright blue eyes could see into his soul. He was scared and she could sense it. She would find them.

I walked through the Druid's camp. It was still weird. I had magic. The stuff of fairy tales and something one only dares to dream about not expect to be real. I could not have dreamed this through. Magic... and a real family where I felt accepted not cast out. My father was the greatest Warlock ever to live and my mother the High P?Priestess of the Triple Goddess. And my little sister, still only discovering her magic ... just like me. "Imi!" I heard someone shout. "Imi, wait" I heard them call again. It was Megan. My best friend...again, and my cousin. "Yeah?" I asked still thinking about how my life had changed for the better. "You okay?" she asked. "Yeah" I laughed. "Just thinking". "Careful. You might hurt yourself!" she laughed. "Hey! You're getting as bad as Uncle Arthur!" I said in mock hurt. Megan laughed. "Well I have had to hear his jokes more... they must be getting to me!" she replied. We both burst out laughing. "Come on. Magic training!" she said seriously. "Yes miss". At that Megan threw a magic ball of light at me. I blocked it with ease. My magic had really improved and it had only been a month. "You're getting really good. I might have to try soon!" Megan called, wanting a reaction. I glared at her, mockingly and then suddenly threw my own magic at her. "You had to try then!" I called back. "Megan, Imi! Stop that. Its late, go to bed!" we heard our mums call.

The city was under attack. Then I saw her. Morgana Pendragon. I woke up suddenly. It was that dream again. I didn't understand it and I knew it was true but still it scared me. My mother was responsible for the fall of this great city. But it wasn't possible was it. How could she be, this was thousands of years ago. "Imi?" my mum asked softly. "Yeah" I replied, tired. I hadn't had a good night's sleep in ages. "What's wrong?" she persisted. "Just a dream" I lied. More like a nightmare. "I know you've not been here long but I still know when you're lying. It was a nightmare, wasn't it?" she asked. How could she know. I was amazing at lying. No one ever knew. "Yes" I whispered, hardly audible. "Tell me" she said as she gathered me up in a hug. "It was about this massive medieval city. It had massive, white, stone walls. There was a battle. People were dying everywhere. It was horrible. Then I saw you... you were wearing black and you looked scary. You threw someone against the wall and killed another. You took the city, killed innocent people and almost killed Uncle Arthur and father. How can I dream this? I hadn't even seen you before when I first dreamt this. Did this actually happen?" I asked shaking from fear and the cold. It wasn't true was it. I didn't understand any more. "Imi. Go back to sleep. You're tired. I speak with in the morning." She said, trying to comfort me.

The next morning my mother and father talked to me. "Imi... the dream you had was true" my mother said trying to hold back the tears. "but this happened when I was evil and very scared" she finished. "okay" I said calmly. "why?" I asked. "what do you mean?" my father spoke up for the first time. He looked co fused and worried. "Why do I have these dreams?" I asked, very scared. "because I did" my mum stated. "it's like the Dragonlord power. It's very powerful magic that's passed on through families." My father finished my mother sentence. "We're under attack!" I heard someone shout. My mum dragged me out of the tent we were sitting in and towards the other children. "Stay here" she ordered. Then she ran off to help the other adults defend the settlement. Uncle Arthur, Aunt Gwen, Uncle Cenred, Aunt Morgause, mother and father were all working together to drive back these attackers. After what seemed like hours of fighting and running the mysterious hooded figures retreated. "Who were they?" I asked as the adults walked back to the small group of children and people who couldn't control their magic yet. "Dunno" someone replied.

"WHAT??!!" the woman with the bright blue eyes screamed. "How many?" she asked a little more calmly. "They sustained no injuries, 50 of our best knights are dead." The man with the gruff voice spoke, scared of what this powerful witch would do. "Well we now know you knights are rubbish and you need to find better ones, preferably with magic, if you want to keep your job...and your head." She smirked. She loved to make people feel scared. She felt more powerful and in control. "You have outsmarted me for the last time Emrys" she snarled.

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