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"Imogen". I sat bolt upright and looked around the darkened tent. "Imogen" It called again. I slipped my green cloak around my shoulders and snuck out. I'm making a habit of this. I said to myself as I follwed this mysterious voice. I reached a clearing and stood there, waiting for the owner of the voice to appear. After 10 minutes in the freezing cold and no answer I called out. "Who are you?" I shouted to thin air. A deep chuckle responded, filling the clearing with an eery sound. I gulped. "Where are you?" I plucked up the courage to ask. A loud flapping noise could be heard and then a THUMP! I instinctivly took a step back. A golden monster landed not 3 feet away from the place I was standing. I shivered. whether from nerves or the cold, I couldn't decide. "um...Hello?" I near whispered. "What are you?" I wondered. Another chuckle filled the clearing. "Why young one. I am the last Great Dragon" It responded, humour evident in its voice. I looked at it in awe then my face changed to that of confusion. How to put this nicely? "But... Your're dead" I pointed out. "Hahaha" he laughed. "Do I look dead to you, young one?" he asked, looking at me, daring to contradict his existance. I glared up at him with defiance in my eyes. "No. But not even a Dragon could have lived more than a thousand years when he was already old at the time of Cammlan." I said defiantly. He seemed to think about this for a while and then answered. "Young one you have many things to learn but know this: I have lived longer than your father and not everything is as it seems" He stood tall and proud but he didn't make nay sense. "What does that mean?" I asked annoyed at his riddles. He chuckled again and flew off. And what was the point in that? I mumbled to myself as I headed back to the camp. I stifled a yawn and crept back to bed.

The next morning I woke up to someone shaking my shoulders rather violently. "Mmm" I groaned. I heard a little laugh and then the shaking continued. I opened my eyes slightly to see the culprit. My little sister. I slowly moved my hands and grabbed their small arms. There was a scream then more laughter. I sat up. "Freya" I grumbled. "Imi" she copied. I tickled her and she screamed again. "Please don't scream" I begged. SHe gave a half laugh and then looked sorry for herself. I just smiled at her then picked her up and placed her on the floor. I quickly got changed and went outside. Soon I was bombared by Freya. "Do you have to keep doing that, Freya?" I asked, smiling. I picked her up and took her to the campfire to get breakfast. I was feeling much better. I didn't have to worry about my friends and family. I had saved them by giving that horrid witch what she wanted. "You look better" Mordred observed. "yeah" I sighed and smiled. Mordred looked sad and downcast. "What is it Mordred? Did someone hurt you?" I immediatly thought the worst. If Nimueh had hurt anybody I would go after her, personally. "It's Megan" He addmitted. Megan? "She's really upset. She thinks you don't like her. She thinks she's done something to upset you" Mordred informed me. He cared deeply for his sister and would protect her loyally. "It's ok Mordred. I'll go and see her." I told him. I didn't want to worry him. 

"Megan?" I asked as I approached her. She was sitting by the little stream. I gulped. I was nervous about what she had to say. She had a nasty temper on her and if you got on the worng side of her there would be hell to pay. She was like her parents in that respect. She turned around and smiled sadly. I went and sat down next to her. I didn't know what to say so I stayed silent. After several minutes she spoke. "What have I done?" She didn't look at me, just kept watching the small fish swimming. I looked at her. I had been horrid and now she was upset. "Nothing" I told her the truth but she didn't believe me. I could see it the way she she huffed and made a face. "I know that you don't believe me but it's the truth." She had to believe me. "I want to believe you Imi but..." "But what?" I asked impatient. "I know your're lying." "But i'm not" I almost shouted. She laughed. "okay. If you say so" "Yes... I do." I laughed as well. After a couple of minutes it was my turn to break the silence. "I'm sorry" I said, sadly. I hated admitting I was wrong. "I'm sorry too." she replied. We were back to being best friends again, just like that. All of a sudden there was a shout from the camp. We looked at each other worried and stood up at the same time. "It's good to have you back Imi" Megan said as she gave me a hug. "yeah. It's good to be back" I told her. I had a sense of Deja Vu, but left it. There was another shout and we ran back to the camp, full speed. "What is it?" we both asked at the same time. "The Dragon's egg has been stolen." Morgause told us, keeping calm. So that's what it was. I thought to myself. I gulped. "Are you alright Imi?" Aunt Morgause asked me. "Yes" I forced. It was a long shot that Morgause would believ me but it was worth a try. I needn't have bothered. "You don't look ok?" I just smiled. "Come here" Morgause took my hand and lead me over to the long dead fire. She sat down next to me. "What's wrong?" she persisted. "Nothing" I replied giving her a fake smile. "Don't give me that look Imi. I know your're lying. And anyway, your mother used that smile when she was in Camelot. It wont fool anyone now" she laughed at the face I now gave her. "Blimey Imi. You ok? You look like youv'e seen a ghost" My Uncle Athur commented as he walked past me. He was helping the Druid's look for anything that could tell them where the egg had gone. "Yes, thank you Arthur" Morgause said sarcastically. I just laughed. "I'm fine really" I lied again. To my relief Morgause believed me this time. "Ok. But if you need anything, just ask" She told me. How could she have been this evil witch back in Camelot when all she did was care for everyone? Everyone seemed different to what my parents had described. Apart from Uncle Arhur of course. Still just as annoying. "Have you found anything yet?" I heard a Druid ask. "no. But we think someone from the camp took it out. Nothing else was stolen and how could anyone know where the egg was hidden?" I gulped and felt the blood drain from my face again. I was going to be found out.

A/N: This story's taking longer than I thought but it shouldn't be too much longer. Thank you for reading :-)

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