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A/N. I'm so sorry it's been so long! I had writers block and then I was so busuy! I'll try and make it up to you guys! Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Merlin characters but I do own Freya, Imogen and Megan.

I jumped. "Mordred" I chided. "You and Freya would be good scarecrows." I joked. He gave me a mock glare and then laughed. His face suddenly went grave. "What?" I asked him, confused at what had caused this. "It was you wasn't it? You stole the Dragon's egg" He looked straight into my eyes. I looked down in shame. I nodded. "Yes... Yes it was me. How did you work it out?" I asked, interested in what he had to say. "I ... I saw you take it" he admitted. Oh. "Look Imi, I know you wouldn't have doen it unless it was for a good reason" He told me, truthfully. I nodded. "It was Mordred, don't worryI said, downcast. Mordred hugged me. "I knew it was for a good reason" He said, happily. "Come on then, back to camp" I smiled. "Race you!" Mordred called as he ran off. I followed but he reached camp before me. I took in a deep breathe. "You cheated!" I said, accusingly. He smiled, but didn't reply. 

I sat by the stream that, merely a week ago saw me and Megan say our peace. I picked up a small pebble and threw it into the stream. It bounced on the surface three times and then splashed into the shallow, clear water. "Imi?" Morgause asked, quietly. I turned around. She looked sad, maybe a hint of dissapointment in her eyes and voice. "Yeah?" I replied. Morgause sat down next to me. She took a breath. "You took the Dragon egg?" It was more of a statement than a question but I nodded anyway. She nodded, slowly. "How did you know?" I asked, curious at what her answer would be, although I probably knew already. "Mordred told me. He didn't want to upset you but he felt that he needed to say something. Don't take it out on him. He was only doing the right thing." She clarified. So it was Mordred. How could I blame him though. Like Morgause said, he was only doing the right thing. "I thought I was doing the right thing. Nimueh said she would attack the camp unless I gave her the egg. I didn't realise what it was though" I said, almost in tears. I should've stayed living a normal life. I messed up this one. Morgause hugged me. "It's ok. I know you were only doing it to help us." She told me. A tear slid down my face. "I'm sorry" I whispered. "Shh, it's ok." She comforted me. She stood up. "Now. We need to go rescue that little dragon." She told me, holding out her hand to me. I smiled. "Let's go then" I replied as I got up. We walked back to the camp in silence. I would've said something but I felt so bad at letting Nimueh take the egg, and actually handing it to her myself.

"We need to retrieve this egg. Nimueh could put the whole of the magic world in danger." Morgause informed the camp. The adults nodded solemny. Another wave of guilt passed over me. What have I done? "Who stole it?" Arthur asked Morgause who seemed to consider what to say. "I don't know" She replied. I breathed out, thankful at her keeping my secret. "But that doesn't matter now. Finding and getting the egg back is all that matters." Morgause told the group. The meeting carried on for about an hour but I snuck out half way through. After a few moments I felt a prescence behind me and I suddenly turned around. "Father!" I nearly screamed. "Please don't do that!" I begged. He was so annoying sometimes. "Aw Imi, did I make you jump?" He mocked. "Yes" I said, bluntly. He pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry Imogen, you know I don't mean it" He told me. "I know" I replied. All of a sudden there was a loud noise and a face I hoped I would never see again appeared. "Thank you Imogen" Nimueh thanked, innocently. I stood up tall and bellowed. "I told you to leave and never return. What part didn't you understand?" Nimueh smirked. "Oh I understood perfectly but what can you do?" Nimueh mocked. I felt my newly found magic boil through my veins as I glared at the sorceress. My eyes flashed golden and without a word a large fireball hurtled towards Nimueh but before it could reach her she countered it, pushing it aside like it was nothing. "So you've learnt some more magic since we last met?" She seemed impressed. Merlin turned towards me. "Imi, what's going on? How do you know her?" He asked, scared. "I'm sorry father but it was me who stole the Dragon's egg and gave it to her." I spat, venomously. "I forgive you" He replied, and I smiled slightly. My father, always so forgiving. If he wasn't I wouldn't be here! Nimueh coughed. "Lovely, but now lets get down to business." she nodded and twenty footmen came towards us. Merlin hurled spell after spell at them to deter them but nothing worked. "Oh, did I mention that they are invincible and have incredibly powerful magic." We glared at her. "I guess not then" she continued non-chantilly. *Go Imi, get Morgause and your mother* Merlin projected into my mind. I reluctendly obeyed, running back to the camp. As I rounded the corner I bumped into two of the thugs who grabbed me and dragged me back to their mistress.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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