Trapped (Part 2)

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I snuck out the camp in the early hours and tiptoed to the little stream. It was peaceful but I could sense the powerful sorceress as she walked up behind me. "Have you done as I asked?" She inquired with her tone of authority. I wish this would end. I lifted my chin up defiantly, just as I had seen my mother do when she wanted her own way. "No" I stated, confidently. I wasn't going down without a fight. Nimueh glared at me but held my ground. "Why?" She near shouted, angrily. I could feel my magic bubbling to the surface, threatening to take over. I suppressed it but only just. "I don't want to betray or hurt my friends and family. And I don't see why you need such a powerful object when you are a more than powerful enough" I told her, confidence growing with every sentence. She couldn't take them away from me. She took a couple of steps closer to me so that she was towering over me. I wasn't very tall like my mother and i was small for my age so Nimueh was several inches taller than me. I shivered involuntarily. "Get what I asked and no harm will come to your family but if you don't, we'll I'm sure I don't need to tell you what will happen to your sister or cousin." She stepped back and smirked. I shivered again. The only way to protect them was to betray them but was that really an option. There was a small flash of light and Nimueh had gone. A small sob escaped my lips. I trudged back toward the camp, thinking about everything that had happened and that was going to happen because of me. A year slid down my pale face. Why did I give into Nimueh's demands. I was risking so much. I reached my family's tent and snuggled down into my bed. It wasn't much but it was a comfort and I felt safe. Safe from Nimueh.

The next morning...
I woke up with a start. It was dawn. If I was quick enough I could get the item that Nimueh had asked for and I could get it to her without any suspicions. That's what I had hoped. I got up and snuck out the tent. I crept round the edge of it and went towards the tent with all the magical items. "Sneak in, get the egg, sneak out" I mumbled to myself. As I snuck closer I could feel the magic radiating out from the tent. "Imi?" I heard someone ask. I slowly turned around. "Mordred? What are you doing here?" I asked, scared. What if he had seen where I was heading or worse, had heard me mumbling to myself. I gulped. "I was about to ask you the same question" he replied cautiously. "I...I had a bad dream" I replied trying to act as though I really had. he gave me a funny look. "What?" I asked innocently. I couldn't raise any suspisions. "Sure." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I smiled and turned back towards my families tent. "Night then" I said as I wandered off. I must of drifted back to sleep as I woke up to my mother gently shaking my shoulders. "Time to wake up sleepy head" she said quietly. I was glad it was her who woke me rather than my father. I had unfortunatly been woken by him before with a VERY loud "rise and shine" or "up and at 'em". NOT a nice way to be woken. I was very quiet during breakfast. Mordred sat opposite him and I didn't even look his way. I was scared he was going to tell my parents of my early morning 'walk'. "why would he? he doesn't know what I planned to do. There was no way of him knowing" I reassured myself. After the, thankfully, uneventful breakfast I wandered down to the stream to practice my magic. I made a dragon out of fire and a bird out of water. The elemental animals flew round my head and then crashed together making a smoky mess. I heard a twig snap and turned around suddenly, worried about who it could be. "Mordred" I said with relief. At least it wasn't Megan. I couldn't face right now. Mordred looked concerned. "Are you okay Imi?" he asked, looking at me straight in the eye. How could i lie to him. He could see straight through anyones lies. "yes i'm fine" I gave an innocent smile. He just nodded. I had managed to lie to him, thank the Goddess. He came and sat down next to me. "I know you're not" he said after a couple of minutes. I looked at him, shocked. "What? How could he tell?" I accidently voiced my thoughts. He smiled at me again. "You're like your father, Imi. A TERRIBLE liar." he laughed. "Thanks" I muttered. How could I let this Nimueh harm my family. Mordred was only 12 years old and little Freya was only four. A tear slid down my face. I quickly wipped it away. I couldn't let Mordred see I was upset. "It will be okay. I'll look after you" he said proudly. I laughed. He was so innocent to the evils of this world and I was about to change that. Another silent tear slid down my cheek. "Mordred" Morgause called for her son. He turned around and gave me a quick hug. "It wil be alright Imi" he said as he ran off. How could I betray my little cousin who was like a brother to me, my four year old sister and my best friend. It was either betrayal or something worse. "Betrayal it is then" I decided. I started to make a plan to get the egg and get Nimueh out of the way.
That night I stayed awake until it was pitch black. I grabbed my warm, forest, green cloak and slipped it around my shoulders. I snuck out of the tent with a small bag on my shoulder. I followed the path I had secretly marked out that day with small pebbles and acorns. As I snuck closer to the tent I felt the power radiating off it again. I pulled back the curtain 'door' and crept inside. "Forbearne" I whispered and a small flame lit in the palm of my hand. My practice had payed off. I glanced around the small tent that was full of magical items, both from the time of Camelot and the modern day. Then I saw what I was looking for.

The Dragons egg. I stepped closer and took my bag of my shoulders and lay it down on the floor. "wow" I whispered in awe. It was a bright orangey-red colour and was exactly the same shape as my father had described Aithusa's egg. I carefully lifted it off the perch it was on and lowered it into the bag. I snuck out of the tent and towards the stream. "Nimueh" I called. "Nimueh. I have what you asked for". There was a flash of white light and she was there. "You have. Well done" she smirked. "Now give it to me" she said with a commanding tone. I flinched. This was a precious item and I was going to give it to an evil woman. "It's to save my family and friends" I told myself. I carefully habded the package over to her. I lifted my chin. "Now leave this place and never return." I commanded. "And NEVER harm anybody from this camp again" I almost forgot that part. She smirked again. I had a bad feeling. "Oh but little Imi you forgot. I need a Dragonlord to hatch this Dragon" and with that she left. What had I done.

A/N: This chapter came to an end quicker than I thought but it felt right. I know what's going to happen next so hopefully the next chapter will be up soon :-)

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