Chapter 1

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"You make me so happy, Cop. I'm the most happiest man in the world. And you look so damn stunning and alluring, makes me want to devour you right now. I can't wait to be in you." Hearing the words in his ear send shiver down to his bone but he was recovered fast and was hitting on Tee's upper arm.

"Don't you dare! Marry me first!" Copter hissing earning a cheekily and playful smile from Tee, which later a cough was taking their attention to the person standing in front of them both at the altar, with all the guests was standing and watching them behind, waiting for the vow to start.

"Shall we?" ask the judge making Copter and Tee straighten themselves and Tee was pulling Copter closer on his waist, not letting go despite Copter had asked him non-stop to behave. With a shaking head and a smile, the judge starting the vow.


"Cop, Cop! Hey, Cop!" the call for his name was taking him out of his trance, that makes him realize where he was now, while he realized his left fingers keeps on playing with the ring on his right finger out of habit.

"Are you okay? You look so lost, and I was calling you nonstop. Did you have any problem, Cop? Something happen between you and Tee?"

Copter was trying to make a normal smile, but Godt knew him too well to fall for it. "Nothing, Godt. I'm okay, we are okay. Don't worry."

Godt was sighing too loud making Copter swallowing his saliva. He should know better that Godt will not so easy to believe him. They were best friends since middle school, and Godt knew him too well that it hard for him to hide anything from that guy.

"I'll take it for now, Cop. But you know better I want to hear the truth from you soon. You were spacing out too much nowadays and Tee was rarely have lunch with us when nothing had stopped him before. We were all so busy, I understand it, but it never stopped him before, why now? 'I can't waste the precious time with my cute sweetheart' my ass. He barely replied my message and I didn't see him much these days. His department had more doctors than us, Cop."

It was so hard for Copter to contain his tears from dropping right now, for feared that Godt will make a commotion. But Godt was right. He barely see Tee right now even at home. He rarely comes home, have lunch together with an excuse of been busy. Hell, they worked in the same hospital, they were as busy as him, and they knew how that hospital run.

It was started two weeks back when he came back from a bachelor party for Doctor Suthee, one of the doctor in Tee's department. He didn't know what happen, but he spends the night there, and when he asked about it, Tee said they were all falling asleep for drinking so much.

Copter believed him, as always. He trusted every words, but then Tee started not having lunch together with him and Godt at the hospital, always coming back home late, or not at all. When he asked, Tee didn't give him a proper answer, and he even stormed out in anger when he demanding for an answer last night. In their 4 years of marriage, and 7 years of relationship, that was the first Tee will shout at him, just because he demand for an answer. Tee even left early this morning, not even a word of sorry, even no words at all.

No matter how hard he had tried, a lone tear was falling down amidst his trying to keep his emotions in. He was so scared, hurt and lost that he didn't know to turn to whom at a times like this. He didn't want Godt and Bas to worry about him, make it difficult for him even more.

"Cop, I knew it. There is something happened between the two of you, right?" Godt had fast standing and coming near to Copter who couldn't formed a single words afraid he will crying out loudly here at the hospital's canteen, afraid of taking unnecessary attention from people around.

"Let's go, Cop. Let's at least see him at his office right now, so both of you could at least talk." Godt was wiping Copter's tear and was pulling him to stand, which Copter refused at first. He think it was better to talk at home, seeing how much Tee getting mad at him last night. He was afraid Tee will shout at him in front of others, and that will obviously being a big issue. People here at this hospital knew them as the most romantic couple in the hospital, and he didn't want to be the talk of the town.

But he knew Godt will not backed down on his attempt too. This guy is so damn stubborn until he could make things right, according to him.

Copter didn't have much choice when he just let Godt pulled him for a while before he walked willingly behind him heading to Tee's office room.

They were walking at the hallway with no words utter from both of them. Godt had drowning in his thought, thinking how could any problem rise between his two best friends since he could see how both of them loves each other so much. He still remember how Tee came to him drunk while crying, saying that he loves Copter so much, but the grumpy guy couldn't get the hint, calling Tee disgusting pervert and everything. Well, Tee didn't makes himself believable with all the night's escapade he had for himself over the years of their friendship.

Copter was simple and straightforward person and Tee was the most complicated guy amongst them three. Copter never coated his words, but he knows how to hide his feelings well behind the straight and innocent face he had most of the times. The night Tee came to him, Copter was there, hearing everything the guy had said, and the first thing Copter had done was punched him in the face, making Tee sober right away from his drunk, shocked.

"You said you loves me, and choose to get away with girl every time you had chance. You said you loves me, yet you flirt with every girl you came across, knowing I was there standing beside you. Am I a joke to you Tee? No matter how much you hurt me, I couldn't even makes this feeling I had for you go away. I'm such a fool who loves you even you hurt me countless times. You are such a bastard guy, you know that?"

Copter was breaking down right there, and Tee was begging so much, asking for a chance and that he was sorry for choosing the stupidest way of trying to letting go the feelings he had for his best friend, afraid of losing him if he ever confessed.

"I'm sorry, Cop. Please gives me just one chance and I will prove to you I will loves and loyal to you for the rest of our lives. I loves you so much that it hurt when I saw someone had tried to take your attention away from me. Please, Cop. I loves you, please trust me."

Godt who was just standing there watching these two idiots letting out their feelings had been the sole witness of how their love life had started from best friend to boyfriend. And during all those years, he watched how romantic and possessive Tee could be, and how loyal and happy Copter is with their relationship. He watched how much Copter had done things out of ordinary just to make sure Tee knows that he feels the same way and that this relationships was something you give-and-take.

While Copter keeps on thinking that Tee was still angry at him, and will be angry with him even more, knowing he came looking for him at his office room, when he had clearly told he had been busy.

The hallway was quiet since it was the hallway for doctor's office, which only nurse who had to deliver the files to the room will came across this hallway. When they both were coming near to Tee's office room, they both were frowning seeing the door wasn't close properly, which was something Tee wouldn't do. Tee is a person who would care even a small details, even as simple as closing the door properly would be an issue for him.

It makes them both running worried for something happened to Tee alone in his office. Pushing the door opening wide, Copter was stunned with his hand covering his mouth, seeing the scene unfolded in front of him, which a few seconds later, Godt joining him from behind, shocked.

End Of Chapter 1

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