Chapter 6

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It was already three days Tee had been home, waiting for Copter to call him. He was worried sick for Copter, and hoping that he could help him while he was recuperating, but he didn't want to upset Copter more than he already was. But he was restless, worried, and even afraid.

He did message Godt and Bas, but they were ignoring him, and won't even reply. He really wanted to message Copter, but he was afraid Copter will feel disturbed and getting angrier at him.

He dialed Godt's number anyway. He was tapping his feet while waiting for Godt to answer his phone. He didn't keep his hopes high though. He knew there is always a possibility that Godt will not answer his phone, but he still try his luck. Godt still angry with him, and even from school days, Godt really cared for Copter, more than him, even the three of them befriended at the same time. Godt even had given him warning when he was starting a relationship with Copter. He couldn't blame Godt 100% since he didn't portray a very good image for anyone to believe in, at that time.

After a few rings, Godt had answer his phone, making Tee smile, feeling thankful.

"Hello, Godt." Godt didn't answer him.

"How is he? Is he better? Did he said anything about me?" a little more silent before Godt started answering.

"He's better. You don't have to worry about him. He'll call you when ready. Wait a little bit more."

Godt disconnect the call right away, prevented Tee to talk a little bit further. But Tee was feeling relieved that Copter getting better. Well, it will feel better if he was there too.

Tee was sighing a little bit. He felt suffocated and the need to go out to the club and a few drinks of alcohol come rushing. And the night is still young, he could run to the bar for a few drinks, to let all his frustration out. Yeah, he really need that.

Arriving at the club, Tee was looking around before heading to the bar stools inside the cozy and welcoming environment of the club, fits to his mood right now.

"Give me vodka." He said once he took a seat, while looking around. He could saw a young man drinking alone two seat away from him, and that the guy look familiar for a reason, but he wasn't interested to find out now. but somehow, there was something interesting about the guy that makes him taking the glance very now and then.

He brushed away the strange thoughts surrounding his  mind and he needs his liquid treat and was gulping it right away after the bartender hand it to him. He was asking for a refill after refill until he felt the relaxation he was looking for. But then again, it came with euphoria that makes him thinking the happy moments with Copter.

After glasses of vodka, he knew he was drunk, but then he knew he wasn't. Every faces just like Copter and he almost kissed the bartender when he thought the guy is Copter, but the bartender only laugh it off.

"You!" the almost shouting voice taking his attention away from the bartender, and he turned to his left when he saw the guy he saw earlier, even in his state, after shaking his head to clear of his sight, he could see the guy.

"Do you know me? Or do I know you? Or, rather, you should know me...hmm what is that? Oh, you must know me. Hi."

Tee was laughing showing his teeth, but in his drunken state, Kimmon was stunned. That smile was so sweet and he thought, in his drunken state, that was the most beautiful smile he ever seen.

Kimmon was drinking his heart out after the series of fighting with Tae again today. His hand that was hurt that night had bleed again, since he couldn't, no matter how much he felt angry, he just couldn't punch Tae in the face. Instead, he was punching the walls, sadly, yet again, making his injured fingers bleed again.

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