Chapter 10

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A lot of things happened in my life that I never thought I would experience. When I was still a child, I only asked for a place where I could live, food that would fill my stomach, and people that would cherish my existence. I have never thought of living for this long. If only I wasn't too greedy and just let myself die in injustice, I wouldn't have felt this much anguish.

Being the greatest villain of this realm, I thought I would be able to overcome the trials of love. I thought I would never experience being heartbroken, but I did. And right now, I am grieving for the genuine love that I gave but was betrayed by the only man I loved. I never knew love would hurt this much.

"Ceberus, the fact that you broke my heart, but it's still beating for you in all of its fragments is the most devastating feeling I have ever experienced."

"I have news about your impostor. My people said that the impostor is heading to Zygerria." My mind was preoccupied, but when the moment Harbin entered the room, I was brought back to reality. Ah, I forgot that I still have an impostor to find.

If I die once again after killing this impostor of mine, I will have no more regrets. Maybe, the world let me live until this day because it knew that someone would use my name to harm the innocent. I am neither a saint nor a hero, but the idea of someone exploiting my name to slaughter innocent people for no reason is unacceptable.  "What is that impostor doing there?" I asked.

Harbin sat in the chair beside me and said, "They want the king of Zygerria on their side."

I stared at him and nodded. Their next move might be gathering allies, but for what? When thoughts sink in into my mind, my eyes widened. "They are preparing for a war! Harbin, we need to go. I can't let this happen; if things get worse, the promise that I made to my loyal servants will be gone. I-" I tried to finish what I was saying, but my voice cracks whenever I speak.

"Hush, you don't have to talk. I'll get ready, and we'll go." Harbin stood up and left. I was left in the room alone; I almost cried at the thought of having a war. For the first time, I showed vulnerability. 

I can choose whether to die or reign as Morana back then, but I chose to reign over all wicked beings for centuries because I made a promise. It wasn't just a promise to a person but to a lot of people who sought my help. Because of love, I almost forgot the reason why I am still living, it's to protect Thelea against those people who wanted to start a war.

Chaos, war, and deaths are the things that keep happening in Thelea. Many people resorted to seeking my help because of that. I, myself had witnessed how brutal and bloody a war is, that's why I made a promise that as long as I am alive, I will prevent wars from happening.

Hangga't buhay pa ako, gagawin ko ang lahat ng aking makakaya upang pigilan ang nag babad'yang digmaan. I know, stopping the war will make everyone think that I do not deserve the title of being the feared villainess, but I tried so hard to maintain my title for I know that if the time comes that I won't be able to protect it, I won't also be able to protect the people that I cherish. Being the villain of this whole fantasy land is better than seeing the people who put their trust in me, die.

I promised them a peaceful realm and I promised them to have no more bloodbaths. I will fulfill my promise to them because I also don't want to see bloodshed in the land of Thelea.

You might be wondering why a lot of people still tried to defame me despite the things I've done, that is because I told them to do so. I told them to slander me so that I could maintain my image. I chose to be the villainess instead of being a hero in this land because it's easier to act as a villain. Becoming the hero of Thelea means you're going to follow the rules; no killing, no burning of castles, no revenge should be taken, and many more. I couldn't do all those for I am not a hypocrite. I kill, I burn down kingdoms, and I take revenge on those people who are trying to harm me, no one could control me in doing all those.

"Let's go, the carriage is ready." Harbin appeared. I stood up and followed him to the back of his shop, there, waiting a white wooden carriage carved with gold. "We'll use this to travel to Zygerria," Harbin stated.

"Can't we just teleport? Irene can teleport the both of us," I said.

The man before me shook his head and said, "You can't use that, Zygerria is too far from here. You'll just exhaust your magic, we'll use this," he replied.

"Why does it need to be this beautiful?" I asked while pointing at the extravagant thing. Harbin laughed and grabbed my hand to let me enter the carriage first. "We need to change this, a lot of people might notice us. We need to be discreet while traveling."

After that, I cast a spell to change the carriage's appearance. Harbin didn't protest, but he exhaled a lot of air, put both of his hands in the air, and said, "I can't win against you, you win, Morana." The man also entered the carriage.

There will be three of us that will be traveling, Me, Harbin, and one of his people that will be the one to drive the carriage. Seconds later, the carriage started to move. Harbin and I are both silent during the trip, but when I heard him snore, I focused on him and silently asked, "Why are you really helping me?"

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