Chapter 16

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I adjusted the hood of my cloak, ensuring my true identity remained hidden as we finally arrived at Demacia Kingdom, the land of the Dragons. Harbin, Don, and I had traveled for days to reach this fabled realm, and my heart fluttered with both excitement and apprehension. I had always yearned to visit the land of the dragons and witness the wonders of this place, but as a villainess, I wasn't free to roam around Thelea. This kingdom was renowned for its breathtaking beauty and wealth, but it was also fiercely guarded by its dragon inhabitants.

We made our way through the bustling streets of Demacia, the clinking of gold coins and the mesmerizing glimmer of treasures catching our eyes at every turn. The dragons, with their shimmering scales and majestic wings, soared above us, creating an awe-inspiring sight. Yet I knew we couldn't afford to get distracted. We had a mission—to find my impostor—and it required the utmost caution.

Before venturing further, I utilized Irene's innate shapeshifting abilities to change our appearances. It wouldn't do for the Demacian guards or any potential enemies to recognize me. Moreover, many dragons might have been familiar with Irene's appearance due to Dhrystan. With a few whispered incantations, my appearance transformed into that of an inconspicuous traveler, blending in seamlessly with the crowd. I also changed Harbin and Don's appearances to those of common travelers.

We found refuge in a cozy inn called 'The Golden Tavern'. The three of us were already weary from our journey and needed a full night of rest. As Harbin and Don sought out a room, I lingered by the hearth, warming myself and savoring the moment of respite. That's when fate introduced me to an unexpected encounter.

"Greetings, traveler." A voice spoke behind me, and I turned to see a tall figure with noble features, dressed in regal attire.

"I am Lask Demacav, the eldest prince of Demacia. It's not often we receive visitors from distant lands." Lask's eyes bore a sense of wisdom beyond his years. I finally met the eldest of the Demacavs, and Dhrystan used to brag about this brother of his, saying he was capable of anything. His looks, too, were remarkable, with glowing golden eyes, long brown hair, and chiseled jaws that made him look handsome. I thought Dhrystan was already good-looking, but I didn't expect this brother of his to be godly-looking.

I offered a nod of acknowledgment, cautious not to reveal too much about our true purpose. "We seek to explore the wonders of your kingdom and learn about its legendary dragons." As a villainess, I knew I was adept at lying.

Lask smiled, seemingly amused by my diplomatic response. He gestured for me to sit on an empty chair, and he also did the same before saying, "Ah, the dragons are indeed fascinating creatures. But, I wonder if there's more to your journey than mere curiosity?"

I couldn't help but be impressed by his perceptiveness. I decided to be honest with him, to some extent. "We are traveling to look for Morana," I said.

But Lask's smile only grew wider as he replied, "I thought I was already talking to Morana; then the one you're looking for must be an impostor. Hm..." How could I forget about the rumors that the Dragon royalties or the Demacavs can see through people? At this point, I knew I couldn't lie anymore.

As the evening wore on, Lask and I engaged in conversation. He revealed that he already knew that I was Morana the moment I arrived in Demacia, and he also knew that I was currently residing in Irene's body. He shared that he could see through people and could even discern a soul's true appearance. He must have seen my dark black hair and remarkable red eyes.

"Have you met my brother already?" Lask asked, and I nodded in response. "He must have annoyed you. He still thought you were Irene?" The two of us talked more, and he spoke fondly of his younger brother, Dhrystan, who is now staying in Arcania because of Irene. Eventually, our conversation shifted to our destination. "Where are you heading, by the way?"

"We plan to head to Clementia," I admitted, watching Lask's reaction closely.

His brows furrowed, concern evident in his eyes. "Clementia is a treacherous place, fraught with danger and lawlessness. Be wary of those you encounter there." I expressed my gratitude for his warning, my gaze subtly following his line of sight as it settled on Harbin's retreating back. "Be careful on your journey in finding that impostor; Theleans nowadays know the art of deception. Be careful not to fall victim to their scheming hearts," Lask continued. I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Lask's concern than he let on. Was he giving me a warning not to trust anyone? "You are an intelligent woman; you already know what I mean. Be careful on your way to Clementia, Morana. See you when destiny allows," Lask said before he departed.

The next day, our journey continued, taking us toward the elusive kingdom of Clementia. Harbin had gathered information indicating that my impostor was likely hiding there. The kingdom's chaotic nature was both thrilling and nerve-wracking, but we had to proceed.

Upon our arrival, we were immediately embroiled in a confrontation. With his electrifying speed, Don danced through the battlefield, engaging in a fierce duel with a massive ogre. Harbin, equally resolute, faced off against a formidable dragon, his sword shimmering like silver in the fading sunlight.

And there I was, facing my own adversary, an agile archer elf. His graceful movements and fluidity blended seamlessly with the surrounding forest, making him a formidable opponent. I hadn't tested my archery skills after being reborn into this body, but my archery skills were honed to perfection, blending grace and lethality in equal measure.

As the battle commenced, my senses heightened, and the world seemed to slow around me. My bow felt like an extension of my body, and my breath steadied with each arrow notched. The archer elf's eyes locked with mine, a knowing smirk on his lips. It was as if he could sense the intensity of the struggle that was about to unfold. We circled each other cautiously, seeking any hint of weakness. I knew one misstep could be my downfall, but I refused to be intimidated. This body is weak but not as vulnerable as before. I will take this chance to test the skills I have been training for the past few months.

With a swift motion, the archer elf notched an arrow and let it fly. The arrow whistled through the air, but I anticipated its trajectory, sidestepping just in time. I returned fire, my arrow cutting through the air with lethal precision, but he deftly evaded my shot. The dance continued, arrows exchanged like rapid-fire whispers, and each move met with an elegant counter. Our footwork was fluid, moving between the trees as if we were part of the forest itself. I knew I had to push my limits and rely not only on skill but also on instinct. I took a deep breath, embracing the thrilling excitement that coursed through my veins. At that moment, I surrendered to the dance, allowing myself to become one with my bow, one with the very essence of archery. I must thank Lask for giving me this bow before we left Demacia; I didn't know it would be this useful.

My opponent's eyes flickered with surprise as my arrow found its mark, grazing his shoulder. But he was not deterred; if anything, it seemed to fuel his determination. The battle intensified, with our movements becoming more daring and calculated, each of us pushing the other to the limits of our abilities. Around us, the ground trembled with the force of Don's clash with the ogre and the thunderous roars of Harbin's duel with the dragon. But I remained focused and honed in on the one adversary before me. Time seemed to suspend as I released the arrow, its flight guided by my unwavering focus. It struck true, finding its mark with unerring accuracy. The elf winced, but his eyes held a newfound respect. The fight almost took us a whole day, but we eventually won the one-on-one battle against our opponents.

After the skirmish, I approached the elf, hoping to glean some information about my impostor. "Have you seen anyone suspicious or villainous in Clementia recently?"

The elf paused, his piercing gaze momentarily lingering on Harbin before he averted his eyes. "I can sense visitors who come and go, but no villain has set foot here this month. I assure you, I would have known." Though his words seemed genuine, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something he wasn't saying, something he feared revealing.

As the day turned to dusk, we retreated to a hidden spot to strategize. "It's possible that my impostor has not arrived yet," I mused, contemplating our next move.

Don's stern expression softened, and his brown eyes filled with determination. "We'll stay vigilant and continue searching. We can't afford to let our guard down."

Harbin nodded in agreement. "Indeed. We'll stand by you until this matter is resolved, Morana." After planning, the three of us took our rest. Tomorrow, there will be another road that we'll travel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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