The Birth of an Heir

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The forests of Pandora hold many dangers... but the most dangerous thing about Pandora? Is that you may grow to love her too much.  Love for the creatures, who awake a sleeping forest. Love for the breeze, that sings the histories of nature. And love for the people, that bring peace during catastrophe.

The story of my father, Jake Sully, or better known as Toruk Makto, is well known. A brave warrior lost in an unknown and unforgiving world, found by a people who would have killed him, if not for our Great Mother shining down upon him. She lit a path for him to learn the ways of these people and in return, he lead them to victory against an enemy that had brought loss and grief to not only the people, but the world itself. Many say that he was a gift from Eywa herself, I know my mother agrees.

Soon after my father was made Olo'eyktan, my mother Neytiri, had discovered that she was with child. The news brought a wave of happiness to the clan and lifted the blanket of sorrow that had engulfed the people during the war. When she gave birth to a healthy baby girl, the start of the heir's songcord, symbolized the start of a new songcord for the Na'vi. A new beginning without the threat of the Sky People looming above their heads. A chance for the planet to heal itself and grow anew... to restore the balance of life.

With this new prophecy, the first born child and heir to the Omaticaya clan was named Rey'eng... "The Balance of Life".  As the first born, not only was I raised to be an heir to my clan, I was also raised to be an heir of Eywa herself. Taught by my grandmother to be unforgiving yet merciful, taught by my mother to be wild but calm, and taught by my father to be commanding but also perceptive. It took me a while to differentiate between them all, I was a child after all, but the gift of my brothers and sisters is what helped me the most. 

The first to follow after me was Neteyam, he is my rock, my twin so to speak. We did almost everything together growing up and when I started to follow my duties as the heir to the clan, he was right there behind me, following my every footstep. Even to this day, he is always right behind me, always watching my back.

 Even to this day, he is always right behind me, always watching my back

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Next was Kiri, she is our adopted sister, but it made no difference. There was a bond that we shared like no other. It was as if we could hear each others thoughts and find each other no matter where we were.  We kept this secret to ourselves for as long as we could, but eventually our parents became suspicious. The whole talking without speaking thing kind of freaked them out. Add onto that, the fact that we could tell where each other was no matter the time or place, definitely raised some questions.

 Add onto that, the fact that we could tell where each other was no matter the time or place, definitely raised some questions

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Then there was Lo'ak, the troublemaker. I swear, that child could make even the most peaceful situation dangerous. I never hated him for it though, I love him for who he is. He makes me laugh almost as much as he makes me angry... almost.

Finally, there is my mini-me, Tuktirey

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Finally, there is my mini-me, Tuktirey. When she was born, I was so happy to have another sister. And as she grew, I found that I was helping my mother raise another version of ourselves. Not that we were against it, but I think 2 of us was enough for my father and he didn't want a 3rd.

 Not that we were against it, but I think 2 of us was enough for my father and he didn't want a 3rd

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Spider was another story all together. When he first started to come around, I was skeptical. Neteyam, following after me, was as well. But as time passed, all the kids loved him. My mother and I however didn't. When I found out who his father was and all the pain he had caused my clan, I vowed to never trust him. I understood that he is not his father, but I always had a pinch in the back of my mind that he could turn out like him. So I keep my eye on him when he is around.

But together, this family is the reason I am who I am today. Each of them has taught me lessons in life, even the babies, and I cherish every single memory. If anything were to happen to any of them, I don't think I could continue on as myself. So I vowed to myself and to our Great Mother, that if anyone is to have ill-intentions against my family, they will not live to see their next breath.

 So I vowed to myself and to our Great Mother, that if anyone is to have ill-intentions against my family, they will not live to see their next breath

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Thank you for reading my story. This is the first story I have written so I hope you like it!

Please let me know if you have any suggestions for the story! I am always open to plot changes!

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