𝔁𝓲𝓲𝓲 ; 𝓽𝓵𝓸𝓾, 𝓬𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓭 𝓹𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓼

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— 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡? —

MARIA AND TOMMY'S HOUSE had a pretty similar layout to the one Joel, Ellie and Noor were staying at. The living room seemed a bit more spacious as it opened into the kitchen as well. The two walked in after Ellie knocked but receieved no answer.
Like two curious children, Ellie was on one side of the room and Noor on the other, picking up knick-nacks and photographs of people they didn't know.
Noor noticed Ellie standing over the fireplace, her eyes locked onto a memorial with two names: Kevin and Sarah. By the years, Noor could tell they passed quite young. Probably Maria's children since Tommy didn't have any before the Outbreak or during it.

The sudden noise coming from the door Maria opened made both of them jump, especially Noor and she wished she still had her weapons on her. Out of pure stupidity, she left her knife back at the house and quietly cursed at herself for being so careless. Especially with Ellie around.

"Oh, good, you're here," Maria said, looking at Ellie first but not expecting to see Noor with her. "I just traded for this. Go ahead and try it on."

Noor stepped aside as Ellie put on a purple jacket and zipped it up, another grumpy look on her face, "It's, uh... Super fuckin' purple."

"Eggplant," Maria said.

"Told you."

"Shoes aren't too big?"

"No. Where's my other stuff?" Ellie asked, still looking uncomfortable in the new jacket though it fit her quite well.

"Rag pile."

"Wait, both of ours?" Noor stepped in, a confused look towards Maria.

"Yes, why?"

"Well..." She began but blew a bit of air out of her mouth, deciding to keep quite, "Whatever, doesn't matter."

It did matter, to Noor at least. She had a habit since very young to grow attached to things. Things like clothes, a mug or even a pen. She wasn't sure where that came from, whether it was something she inherited from her parents or simply picked up on her own. Although her old clothes were torn, ripped and blood-stained, she grew a fondness of them. They were familiar, the only constant in her life she had control over.

"Did you get the thing I left you?" Maria asked, straightening Ellie's jacket.

Noor's eyes followed the woman's every move and she was certain Maria was a mother. There was a motherly instinct that still lingered inside of her and with every time she touched Ellie or looked at her, it was in a specific way. But Noor didn't like it. She let her possessiveness get in the way of the two.

"Yeah, weirdest gift ever..." Ellie mumbled.

"But, useful."

"Yeah, thanks." Noor said quietly, diverting her look somewhere else as she felt sort of unwanted in Maria's house. Rightfully so, but it still stung.

"Who's been cutting your hair?"

"Uh, world class salons."

Noor's arms unfolded and she slightly hit Ellie's arm, "We've been on this journey for too long. Certain circumstances didn't even let us catch our breath, not to mention get to a haircut."

Maria smiled, "I'll go get my scissors."

"Oh, woah, no—"

"Trim!" she called out, "Both of you."

Before Noor had any chance to respond, Maria disappeared somewhere else to grab a comb and a pair of scissors, "There's no fucking way she's cutting my hair."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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