It ends with us - Collen Hoover

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As i sit here with one foot on either side of the ledge, looking down from twelve stories above the streets. I can't help but think about suicide.

"There is no such thing as bad people. We're all just people who sometimes do bad things."

"We're just alike."
"Me and you?"
"No. Plants and humans. Plants need to be loved the right way to survive. So do humans. We rely on our parents from birth to love us enough to keep us alive.    And if our parents show us the right kind of love, we turn out as better humans overall. But if we're neglected..."

This is good.
Yes, I'm crying.
But it'll feel better. This is just human nature, healing an old wound to prepare for a fresh new layer.

"Life is a funny thing. We only get so many years to live it, so we have to do everything we can to make sure those years are as full as they can be. We shouldn't waste time on things that might happen someday, or maybe even never."

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