Chapter 4-Youthanasia

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"we need too follow him, Billy get the gun we might not have another chance too youthanise him" Darcey was always so cold but she has never been one too intertwine emotions with work. Heasetantly Billy Grabbed the gun. everything was happening way too fast for him and he wasnt sure if he was going too be able too do it.

Jimmy had ran too the woods, the aparent location of the pony The four of them had to stop him and Billy had been assigned the unfortunate task of killing him with a bullet to the back of the head.

Billy felt a heavy weight in his heart as he remembered the good times he had with Jimmy before the incident that changed him and made him violent and crazy. He was filled with guilt and sadness at what he was about to do, but he knew it was the only way.

The four of them followed Jimmy through the woods, trying to keep as quiet as possible so as not to alert him of their presence. But Jimmy was too focused on his mission and didn't notice them. Finally they reached a clearing, Jimmy bent over and picked up a small purple pony it seemed too be glowing it and was speaking too Jimmy. all the Delusions where real but he hadent stopped his violence meaning Billy still ahd too shoot him.

"Come on then what are you waiting for" Darcey whispered, Billy noticed a twinkle in her eye tears? shit even darcey was crying. Coutney was just standing there, she couldnt cry otherwise she would transform into a mermaid .Billy looked at dave he gave a small reasuring smile and walked over. he put is hand on Billys shoulder and hugged him
"I belive in you" he whispered. they stared into eachothers eyes and Dave nodded. Billy turned too face Jimmy who was mumbbling at the toy.

Billy took aim. His hands shook as he prepared to pull the trigger, but he knew he had to do it. he took a deep breath and lingered. he relaxed his armed and held his head in his hand.
"I cant do it" he said but he wasnt quite enough and Jimmy turned around
"Billy, What are you doing" Jimmys brows furrowed he started seething through his teeth and started running towards Billy and the rest.

Billy held the gun up and fired straight between Jimmys eyes. The gunshot echoed through the woods and Jimmy fell to the ground. The four of them stood in silence for a few moments, all of them shaken by what had just happened. They walked over too his lifeless body he looked the most peacefull he had in a long time and he was holding Twilight Sparkle Pony up too his heart. Billy fell too his knees his he leant over jimmy and cried.
"im so sorry, Jimmy, Im sorry, i had no choice, im sorry , im sorry" hsi voice trembeling. Dave had too drag Billy away from Jimmy so that they could leave. Finally, they turned away and walked slowly back to their car, none of them speaking a word.

Once at the car, they drove away without looking back. They stopped at a diner for lunch, but none of them felt like eating. All they could do was sit in silence and reflect on what had happened. Finally, Billy spoke up. 'Let's never speak of this again,' he said. The others nodded in agreement, and they drove away, the memories of that day weighing heavily on their mind.

 The others nodded in agreement, and they drove away, the memories of that day weighing heavily on their mind

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