Chapter 6-Whole lotta love

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Billy was so caught up in his cleaning he almost forgot about the not he found in his pocket. Everyone had left and it was just him alone tidying. he went too the front door and Put on his crocs.

it wasnt sunset yet but he could tel it was comming on he walked down the beach too the destroyed hut, he could see a figure there but couldnt quite make it out who it was. he was lowkey nervouse about this meeting he wasnt sure if he was going too get murdured or not. But as he aprouached he say a head of ginger hair, it was dave. Jimmy did say he saw dave messing with his trousers this morrning. 

"Dave is that you??" Billy was hesitant too fully aproach this person so that of it was a killer he would have a good amount of time too run before he would get caught
"you got my note" the ginger figure turned around, it was dave thank god. 
"yeah,... why did you invite me here" Billy sat down next too him, they where so close, it was a very intimate moment. 

Dave turned too face Billy they locked eyes and Dave took Billys Hand and held it in his.
"look at the sunset, Billy, its beutifull isnt it." Billy was confused but thsi whole situaltion was making him forget all his troubles and all his woes, he felt like all there was was Dave himself and this sunset
"yeah its georgious" Billy said turning too look at it the waves where moving slow, not fast like they usualy do this time of year. it was the perfect setting. Billy couldt help but notice the almost lustful look Dave had in his eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Its almost like your want me badly. Ha Ha!" Billy Corgan chuckled. Dave squeesed Billys and and carresed it with his thumb.
"You're my one true friend, Billy Corgan, probably the best one I've had in a long time. I like talking to you, hanging out with you, and I even love listening to you sing, your so talented and funny and cute i just......And now that you've pointed it out, I think I might like trying sex with you."
"You're touching me. That's not considered appropriate behavior," Billy Corgan whispered, His bottom lip trembling while His limbs felt frozen.

"Maybe not. But I don't think you're going to stop me." Dave Mustaine stroked His hand up Billy Corgan's hip, and pulled His shirt from his trousers. Billy Corgan's eyes fluttered shut when He felt Dave Mustaine's fingers touch the skin of His lower back. But He forced them open again and stared into Dave Mustaine's pretty eyes. Dave removed his shirt too reveil a set of abs sent from heaven.

"I should stop you." Billy Corgan knew He should. This was Dave Mustaine. Dave Mustaine! Could He dare wreck their close friendship? And what about their destiny? But that didn't bother Billy Corgan nearly as much.

"Stop me, then" Dave Mustaine said, and made it sound like a dare.

Billy Corgan was all set to give Dave Mustaine a glare, but it faded away when He got his first real look at Dave Mustaine.I mean sure, Billy Corgan had seen Dave Mustaine before, but not REALLY seen him. Not with these new eyes which Billy Corgan now had. His eyes had been opened.

Dave Mustaine's manly chest.

His pretty neck.

His Beutifull, amazing, georgious, radient, angleic, glistening Ginger locks

His....perfect, well everything. In point of fact, Billy Corgans mouth went a little slack and there may have been some drool. Other parts of Him might have been wet too. It dripped on Dave Mustaine. Dave Mustaine didn't seem to mind Billy Corgans fluids though. Any kinda of fluid dropping on Him was fine it seemed. 

"oahhh" Billy moaned into Daves mouth, his soft touch and hot breath was driving him up the wall. They kissed each other softly. Dave Mustaine whispering sweat nothings into Billys ear. Daves hands where traveling down Billys torso and towards his belt. Billy was slightly nervous but didn't want too show any signs he was already lowkey hard.

Dave removed Billys trousers and then his own revealing his lowkey massive pee pee. Dave laid Billy down and proceeded too kiss him, the kiss became more fast paced and Daves hot breathy moans sent Billy flying. He was hard as fuck and Dave was also. Dave pulled away.

"what are you doing" Billy asked
"we will need this" Dave pulled out a bottle of lubricant from his bag and lathered it on himself.
"first time?" dave asked, Billy had a worried expression on his face.
"well, with a man yes" Billy was unsure what too think about this he was always told butt sex was itchy he didnt want too itch.
"does it itch?" Billy asked
"not unless you have crabs" Dave chuckled and kissed Billy. They made out for a couple of minuets.
"ready" Dave said lining himself up. 
"yes,....Dave i love you" Billy said was he risking it?
"Billy, i love you more" Dave said they kissed as Dave slipped in, it was easier than Billy expected. Dave worked up a pace at witch they where both comfortable and they made love for what seemed like hours. Billy had fucked before but this was different. Maybe Dave was just really good or maybe they where soul mates but whatever it was Billy didn't want this too end. For those hours on the beach with the sunset it was just Dave and Billy. No organisation, no deaths, no sadness, no nothing just each other.

The End

The End

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