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As Changbin walked back to his lunch table, he saw his crowd of friends all watching him.

"So who was that?" Jisung asked trying to hide his smirk.

"Oh he's just a friend," Changbin replied nervously grabbing the back of his neck.

"Just a friend, huh," Jisung teased as he flicked one of the boys now red ears.

Changbin gulped and nodded. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he said shrugging as he shoveled food into his mouth.

"I think you do," Hyunjin said as he unwrapped his burger.

"Okay, fine, I like him, but you can't tell anyone, it's embarrassing," Changbin said barely over a whisper. Seungmin stretched across the table holding out his pinky for a pinky promise. Changbin put his out too, and they locked it.

"So what's his name?" Seungmin asked suddenly.

"It's Chan," Changbin said a little bit too loud. Hyunjin quickly shushed him as the group looked around the cafeteria to make sure he didn't hear. After they made sure that the coast was clear Changbin went on.

"His name is Chan, he's the captain of the soccer team, and he has a dog," Changbin whispered.

"Wow," Felix said while swirling his melted ice cream around in the cup, "He seems fantastic."

"He is," Changbin beamed, not paying attention to the sad expression on his friends face.

"Do you think he likes you back?" Seungmin asked.

"I'm not sure," Changbin confessed, "We've not been talking for that long."

"Well I am. He was totally into you. You can tell from his body language. I'm really good at reading body language since my mom's a psychologist and all. You should tell him, that's the only way you can be positive. Ask him out," Hyunjin replied.

"I don't know," Felix said finally breaking his silence, "I'd give it a while, make sure you actually like him first."

Changbin smiled and nodded, "I think that's a great idea."

They spent the remainder of their lunch period talking about what they did over the weekend and the classes they hated the most, and finally, when the bell rang, they headed off to their next classes. Changbin and Felix grabbed their things to go to biology while Hyunjin headed off to English and Seungmin got ready for study hall.

Felix and Changbin talked as they walked to class side by side, occasionally bumping each other's hip. They did this every day. Changbin always looking straight ahead, never even making eye contact, while Felix would watch his lips move or focus on his cheek or jawline and let his gaze drop down to their hands every now and then, always so close, resisting the urge to reach out and take his hand into his own.

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