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Minho pulled into the parking lot.

"Commence Operation: Make Changbin Forget He Ever Liked That Pussy Licking Motherfucker by Giving Him The Best Day of His Life," Minho said as he took his keys out of ignition.

"Stop," Changbin said trying to act hurt instead of laughing, "He wasn't even mean, he's just straight."

"You know what? You remind me of this cat that used to show up at my doorstep," Minho said suddenly.

"What, how?" Changbin asked him confused.

"Well for starters, it just randomly showed up one night and demanded food, but mainly because even though I didn't know it for a long time, I became very attached to it and felt the need to protect it."

Changbin smiled.

"Also you were about the same height," Minho joked, quickly getting out of the car to avoid Changbin's fist.

"You're not funny," Changbin said rolling his eyes.

"I'd like to think that I am," Minho said meeting him around the car to grab his hand.

"Woah," Minho exclaimed, stopping in front of the restaurant doors.

"What?" Changbin asked him, puzzled.

"Nothing, you're just, like, really strong. Like you were swinging my hand back there and it felt like I was about to start spinning like a windmill," Minho said.

"Sorry," Changbin responded.

"Don't be, it's fucking hot," Minho said in awe.

Changbin chuckled as they walked inside.

After they ate their tacos, they walked back to the car, hand in hand.

"I've never had a fake boyfriend before," Changbin told him.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Minho asked him.

Changbin nodded.

"I've never had a real one," he said.

"Really?" Changbin said surprised, getting into the car.

Minho nodded.

"Just a couple of flings, nothing serious, and to be honest, I'm not sure I'd want to be in a serious relationship with anyone."


"I don't know, I just feel like I'd mess up. But enough about that, do you want to get some ice cream?" Minho asked, lightly gripping Changbin's thigh.

"Sure," Changbin said while he was zoning out, thinking about what Minho said. Did he like Minho? He didn't know. But he hadn't thought about Chan the whole time they were eating. Even though he had only known him for two days, he secretly hoped that he and Minho could become more than friends one day.

"We're here! Also quick disclaimer, I'm lactose intolerant, so you might not want to use the restroom tonight after we get home," Minho remarked.

"Are you serious?" Changbin asked.

Minho nodded.

"Then why would you come here?"

"I like to live on the edge," he shrugged.

"Of what? The toilet seat?"

"I think I'm rubbing off on you."

"God, I hope not."

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