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"Do you want to wait here?" Minho asked unbuckling his seatbelt after parking the car.

Changbin nodded.

"Well too bad, you're coming with me."

"Then why did you ask?" Changbin asked him.

"I thought you'd want to spend time with me," Minho groaned, "Don't worry, it'll be quick."

"If you see anything you want, just toss it in, I'll pay for it," Minho said as he pushed the shopping cart through the aisles. He stopped and grabbed a giant bag of cat food to toss into the cart.

"You don't even have a cat, do you?" Changbin asked.

"Nah, my mom's allergic, but they show up at the door sometimes and I like to be prepared."

"Can I get this?" Changbin asked holding up a bag of Cheetos.

Minho just pointed into the shopping cart and Changbin dropped it in.

"You know, you're a better person than me," Minho said, "If someone told me that they'd buy me anything, I would absolutely splurge. What size do you wear? Shirts, not condoms," Minho asked pulling up to the clothing aisle.

"Uh, I don't know, large?" Changbin said.

Minho held a large shirt up to his body and proceeded to toss six into the cart.

"Thank me later, you'll need these, I'm not the best at washing laundry," he told him.

After checking out, they went back to the car.

"I, um, usually don't care about this kind of stuff, but did you have a good time today?" Minho asked, feeling a bit vulnerable.

Changbin nodded beaming.

"I'm glad," Minho chuckled as they drove home.

Changbin had one of the best weekends he had had in his life, and he was sad that it was coming to an end. After they ate dinner, they went to bed, Changbin on Minho's bed and Minho on the floor.

"Shoot!" Changbin whispered, waking up suddenly. It was 4 o'clock in the morning.

"Minho," Changbin nudged him gently, "Minho wake up.

Minho woke up to see Changbin standing above him holding a piece of paper.

"How good are you at geometry?" Changbin asked him.

Minho rolled his eyes and went to the kitchen, Changbin following close behind him like a lost kitten.

"You go to bed," Minho told him, "I can do it, I took geometry last year."

"But it's not your homework," Changbin told him, "I just wanted some help."

"It's really no problem, you need to sleep," Minho responded, shooing him away.

He sighed in defeat and turned around to return to Minho's soft bed, falling asleep in minutes.

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