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Changbin woke up, thankful it was Saturday.

"Um, Minho," Changbin said looking over at the brown haired boy who didn't move from his bed.

"Minho?" Changbin asked again.

"Yes?" the boy replied, barely opening an eyelid.

"I just wanted to say thanks for letting me stay here last night, and I was wondering if I could stay again tonight. You see, my parents—" Changbin started.

"Mhm, stay as long as you want," Minho said still not moving from the bed, "You hungry?"

Changbin nodded.

"Cool, when you make food, would you mind making me some too?" he asked.

Changbin looked at him astonished.
Suddenly, Minho burst out laughing.

"I'm joking, I'm joking," he stood up and walked Changbin to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked him.

Changbin paused for a moment, "I guess anything's fine, just whatever you usually eat."

"2 cockroach sandwiches, extra cock, coming up!" he called as he went to the cabinet to get bread.

He looked back at him, "You like toast, right?" Changbin slowly nodded as he assessed his kitchen.

"So last night you were saying something about needing to say here for some reason?"

"Yeah, I ran away from home. Sorry for coming to your house, I just didn't want to go to one of my friends houses because I was afraid my parents would find me," Changbin explained.

"I see," Minho said, "Lucky you ended up here then, could've ended up at some creeps house."

Changbin nodded.

"Oh, maybe I should've mentioned this earlier, but I'm having a party here tonight," Minho told him as he popped the bread into the toaster.

"I thought you said partying all the time got boring?" Changbin asked him.

"It does, that's why I only have parties once a week now," Minho chuckled.

"How many people?" Changbin wondered.

"Mainly just my college friends and a few other guys" Minho replied.

"You're in college?" Changbin asked him, eyes full of surprise.

Minho smirked, "As far as they know. So how old are you?"

"16, I'm a sophomore," Changbin answered.

"I'm only a year older than you then. Do you drive yet?" he asked.

Changbin shook his head.

"Drink?" he asked.

Changbin shook his head again.

"Well if you're not up to try it, I suggest you stay away from the party tonight. I have a little shed in the backyard, it's a bit messy, but it'll do for a few hours. You can bring your phone and watch TikTok, or whatever," Minho told him.

"I think I'll just hang with you, what's the worst that could happen?" he asked.

"You'd be surprised," he said setting his plate of toast down in front of him, "Sometimes things can get a little crazy."

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