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"Hi, welcome to— Oh, hey Changbin," the boy said as Minho entered behind Changbin.

"Minho?" he asked, "Don't tell me Changbin's your new—"

Minho started laughing nervously.

"Changbin, why don't you find us a place to sit." Changbin nodded and walked away.

"Listen, it's not like that this time, Jisung. We're just hanging out, we haven't even done anything like that," Minho whispered to the boy.

"So you're telling me you haven't made out with him in your parents living room," Jisung asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, that's what I'm saying. Actually no. Well not exactly, not like that. Would I? Probably, but he just got his heart broken. He's staying with me because he has something going on with his parents, we're not like, hooking up or anything," Minho told him.

"Mhm sureee. That's too bad because you're great at sex," Jisung said shooting him a wink and giving him a quick fist bump.

"I know, right? I'M LIKE A SEX GOD," Minho said a little too loud, causing an elderly couple look up at them.

"Sorry," Minho apologized.

"But he seriously is though," Jisung told them, "If either of you are down..." The couple rapidly shook their heads.

"Your loss," Jisung said.

The couple got ready to leave in a hurry.

"Don't act like you haven't ever had sex, I've seen you come up here with your grandkids," Jisung called after them.

"Jisung!" Minho scolded.

"It's fine, they're asshats anyway, they'll be back, I'm not lucky enough for them to leave forever," Jisung replied.

Jisung let out a long sigh before checking the time and looking back up at Minho.

"No but seriously, babe, if you're down, you know my number," Jisung told Minho who winked at him in response.

He began walking to his table, when he remembered that he forgot to order.

"Oops, we'll take— actually, fuck it, just surprise us," Minho said walking back to his table.

"Sex god, huh?" Changbin remarked laughing.

"If the sandal fits," Minho replied.

Jisung brought over their ice cream and some spoons.

"Enjoy, the tip jar is over there, by the way," Jisung said pointing to a jar on the counter as he walked away to play on his phone while waiting for another customer.

"So you and Jisung?" Changbin asked, "Were you like, a thing?"

"Nah, just a guy I hooked up with a couple of times," Minho responded before eating a large spoonful of ice cream.

"Oh really? I wonder why Jisung never told me," Changbin asked.

"It wasn't that big of a deal," Minho assured him, holding his head from his self induced brain freeze.

"I don't know, if you were as good as he said you are..."

"Let's just stop talking about this right now, okay?" Minho said blushing.

Changbin nodded, but he couldn't stop thinking about the remark Jisung made when they came in. Did Jisung think Minho was hooking up with him too?

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