A Day at the Beach

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Looking around from where she sat, lounged back on her palms with her legs stretched out in front of her on the towel that separates her from the sand of the beach, Annie can't help but smile at the others splashing in the shallows. In the span of the few days they truly had off, no chores or rehearsals, rituals or masses to prepare for, they decided to make it a mini vacation of it.

"No fair!" Swiss grumbles with a sputter after re-emerging from the water after getting dragged under by Rain who peeked up through the water several feet away, only the top of his head and eyes over the surface. You could tell by how they scrunched he was smiling widely. "You've got the home advantage, water boy!"

Rain just disappeared with barely a ripple and Dew laughed at the face Swiss made. Suddenly it was Cirrus's turn to let out a shriek of surprise as Rain appeared under her, lifting her out of the water as she sat on his shoulders.

"Who's up for a game of chicken?" He asks with a wide easy smile. "Me and Ciri vs whoever!"

"You're on, water bug!" Swiss calls with his signature toothy grin on his face. "Dewy, get over here! Let's take them down!"

"Like heaven! Fire ghoul, remember? I'm content right here!"

"Looks like he's the chicken," Swiss teases, looking over at Rain and Cirrus.

Dew's eye twitched and he cocked his head to the side, his glare slowly moving towards his mate. "What was that?"

"Chi-cken! Bakawk!" Swiss imitated the bird, arms mimicking wings as he clucked again. Swiss had barely finished the circle he was making when Dew pounced on his back, scrambling to seat himself atop Swiss' shoulders.

"Let's do this!" The gremlin shouts out, first pumping up into the air. He leans down to whisper to Swiss as he steps into deeper water.  "If you value your life you better not drop me."

"Don't worry, sparky. We won't let anything happen to you."

Annie sat up more, watching as Swiss neared Rain. Both bottom ghouls had their arms secured around their partners thighs and the game was on. Cirrus and Dew grasped at each other's shoulders, pushing and pulling, trying to knock each other off, the ghoulette holding her own for a good long while until Dew adjusted his hold just enough and she went toppling backwards off Rain's shoulders with his next shove.

"Yeah!" Dew throws his hands up in triumph, Swiss tightening his hold so he doesn't fall when Dews gesture sends him off balance.

"Easy, hot stuff!  Almost dropped ya." Swiss laughs and tightens his hold, walking back towards the shore when he's stopped by a gust of wind blowing right in his face.

"Who said you were done?"

Swiss' smile widened and he turned to face Cumulus who sat comfortably atop Aethers shoulders, her legs held by his arms that were crossed over his broad chest.

"Oh boy," Dew whispers, looking them over. "Is this the boss fight?"

"Oh, most definitely boss fight," Swiss laughs again as he stretches his neck and arms, Dews fingers tangled in his hair so he doesn't lose his balance. "Think you can win, my little ember?"

"Nope!" Dew lets out a loud, short bark of a laugh. "But I'll sure try!"

Annie watched them with a wide smile, anxious to see how this would play out. She wasn't disappointed.

Swiss and Dew held strong against the other pair, Dew and Cumulus easily matched, but it was Aethers strength and stature that led them to the almost victory, his stance more grounded and unmoving against the ghouls advances. It was close, Dew struggling to knock Cumulus off only for her to push back with a wild grin. And then, next they knew, both were toppling to the side and into the water with surprised yelps before they disappeared under the surface.

Swiss was diving down in the next second, reappearing a moment later with a sputtering and coughing Dew cradled bridal style in his arms, the gremlin clinging to him tightly with his eyes clenched shut.

"I gotcha, babe," Swiss says, nuzzling his cheek. "Did you think I wouldn't rescue such a pretty damsel in distress?"

The water that was beaded on Dews skin sizzles and evaporates as he turns one of his interesting shades of red. He wants to shove Swiss away but knows he can't without getting dropped back into the water, so instead he headbutts him. Why he thought that was any better he didn't know because Swiss shrugged and dropped his arms from their hold. Dew yelped and scrambled to wrap his arms and legs around the taller ghoul so he wouldn't go tumbling into the water.

"Note to self," Swiss laughs, once arm circling back around Dew, the other brushing wet hair from his face. "If I want you clinging to me like your life depended on it, drop you in water."

"Just shut up and get me back to shore," Dew hisses with a pout. Swiss laughs again, softer this time before leaning down to trap Dews lips in a deep kiss.

"As you wish, your highness."

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